
The real problem was that there a few of my nieces and nephews who were WAY too young for DePalma. I still love the movie.

My mom is a saint…with incredibly shitty taste in entertainment.

One Thanksgiving when I was in high school, my mom sent me to the convenience/video store to get a movie for our family to watch. I brought back Body Double having NO idea what lay ahead. All I knew was that Brian DePalma was supposed to be a really good director. To this day (I'm 50), my mom won't let me choose a

Oh for fuck's sake. The courts don't have anything better to do with their time?

Fuck landing. I'm flying to Kelly's house to win her back.

It's not 1986? Did I, um, graduate? I've been drunk this whole time.

I actually saw that after I commented. Fair enough. I'll allow it. lol

All better choices than a solo Ringo Starr.

Wait a minute. Rolling Stone says that U2, Springsteen and the Black Keys made the best 3 albums of 2014. You're not saying that Rolling Stone is a sell-out stack of suckitude, are you?

Excellent analogy!

Agreed. I really liked it. Let Him Have It is also very good.

I had the LP and had to replace with the cassette. First concert was Cheap Trick and Off Broadway at the Hammond Civic Center, Hammond, IN, May 1st, 1981. My girlfriend and I skipped prom to go. Still love the boys from Rockford. (And I'm 50.)

All screen savers are gay.

I just saw a stolen copy of the script. There's a whole new set of toys. They belong to Andy's Sorority sister girlfriend and spend most of their time in her bedside drawer. Oh, the things they say when they're alone.

Let's see…

Don't get us wrong, David Wolf. We all feel horribly that you were born an asshole and know that it isn't your fault. We just believe that you can CHOOSE to not act on your desires.

"I can tolerate gay people and gay marriage"

My parents went to Las Vegas around 35 years ago, when I was roughly 15 years old. They came back with Donnie Most's autograph. So yeah. I'm kind of a big deal.

Anything involving a Kardashian.

How is Courtney Love like a hockey team?