
Yes, because wishing someone "Happy Holidays" is OBVIOUSLY an attempt to be a smug asshole and NOT just a way to wish someone has a Merry Christmas AND a Happy New Year all at once. You're a moron.

What he said.

As God is my witness, I had no idea that that was Molina in Raiders. Now that I know it seems like the most obvious thing ever. DOH!

Congratulations, Lance! We'll be in doofus class together in no time!

Don't feel bad. I watched Dexter until the bitter end.

You're hitting on what I've been thinking for two seasons. There are SO many good stories to tell with these characters. True Blood instead chose to tell a bunch of crap stories. Wasted opportunities.

At least with Entourage I had the good sense to stop watching long before the series finale.

I quit smoking two years ago last week. I currently have my 7th piece today of nicotine gum in my mouth. Hopeless addictions, I hate you!

I have always liked Daniel Stern….but Very Bad Things was fucking awful. One of the worst films I've ever seen.

When I was 13 or 14, all of my buddies were into KISS. I thought that wearing clown makeup meant you probably covering for a lack of musical talent and/or inspiration. I was right. After a few years, I started thinking that Gene Simmons was an idiot asshole who KNEW he was an idiot asshole but got off on rubbing his

That's when a lot of people found out he could actually act.

Bingo. That's what makes the character, and Sheen's characterization, so awesome.

It cut to a conference table inside with Bill on one side and six black doctors around him. The head guy welcomed Masters to the staff and Bill thanked them on behalf of himself and his "partner", although Virginia wasn't in the room.



Stupid troll says stupid troll things. Yawn.

I think she was also one of the two women stalking him.

I think the point of that was that the priest had been avoiding him for 2 weeks.

Yep. I watched the episodes and really like it.

Allison, I agree with you. I'm not sorry that I watched Lost. Maybe if Lindelhof and Cuse hadn't said, several times, that every question would be answered and it will all make sense and that it wasn't purgatory…I wouldn't have been pissed off to find out that it was basically purgatory. I felt…cheated. Having said