
Thanks. I watched them and liked them a lot. We'll see how it proceeds.

Looking through your comment history I find it pretty amusing that you accuse me of being a "drama queen". What I find annoying on the internet is commenters who feel the need to attack you for no reason rather than minding their own fucking business. But hey, that's just me.

I need your help. I have DVR'd the first three episodes of this show but something has been holding me back from watching them. I finally realized why. I'm afraid of starting a show that I'll absolutely love…and that will end up disappointing me horribly when it ends like…Lost. I hate the ending of Lost SO much that I

Exactly! When she started taking off her wetsuit I thought she was gonna boink the shark to keep from being eaten.

Saffron Burrows in Deep Blue Sea.

Gotcha. I think I misread your original point to mean you thought he was a lousy actor (as some people suggest). So basically now…we're in agreement.

With all due respect…why do you say he isn't a great actor if he's been good in the things you've seen him in? Not trying to argue here. That just jumped out at me as contradictory.

I'm pretty sure she didn't. I'd remember. lol

I finally realized that I have devolved into hate-watching this show. I thought I was being a completist but, no, I hate myself so I watch. My only (brief) moment of caring was when Anna Camp showed up and I was hoping she'd dropped her nudity clause. God, I sound like a creeper.

Who HASN'T fucked Bun E. Carlos?

Well, it's not my pride cause it was my boss' hometown, not mine. But..yeah.

John Dillinger escaped from the Lake County Jail, which was a block and a half from the house I grew up in. He ran from there and hid out in a house 4 doors down from my childhood home. Both the jail (not in use for decades) and the getaway house are still there). The move Public Enemy filmed on location, Crown Point,

It isn't my pride but my former boss and his brother went to high school with Ginger Lynn. Oh, and his brother used to get high with Bun E. Carlos. Go Rockford, IL!


You only picked two of my three picks, therefore I will go pout in a corner and refuse to participate!

We are, indeed, truly fucked.

I don't know. SNL has had some pretty good episodes in the past with overrated, untalented, lazy, and pathetically unfunny guest hosts before. It could work.

I remember that anecdote as well.

You're blocking.

Well its about fucking time.