
What we really need is some sort of competition show where non-celebrities sing. THAT would be so cool.

Freedom of Speech means that there are no legal consequences to their bigotry. This has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech. In America, you can say and believe whatever you wish. And the rest of us have the right to think you're a douchebag and cancel your stupid TV show.

Like so many of your idiotic Christian brethren, you are completely missing the point. These mouth-breathers DO, in fact, have "a right to say what they want". NO ONE is suggesting that they be arrested, be charged with a crime, or face any other legal consequences. However, because of their bigotry, HGTV has decided

II was pretty bad but it wasn't amateurish like III was. Seriously, BHCIII is on my list of 10 worst films of all time.

Ummm…didn't there used to be dragons on this show?

Beverly Hills Cop 3 is one of the worst films ever made.

One of my favorite closing shots of all time.

At 13, the lingerie section of the Sears catalog was my Hustler.

Mother of God!

Casting Josh Gad as your "hip and edgy" comic proves that you don't understand the words "hip and edgy".

You are, of course, entitled to your own opinions on Von Trier's work. I love some of it and detest some of it. I highly recommend The Kingdom and Breaking The Waves if you want to expand your knowledge.

Actually, you made a comment on your distaste of his movies….while admitting you'd NEVER FREAKING SEEN one of his movies. In other words, how the F**K do you know what you're talking about?

So it was like my mom's pie crust. Got it.

He's Hodor-curious.

I miss the day's when people's private lives stayed private.

Oh Jesus! Every time I hear a U2 song from now on, my mind will intersperse the occasional "Hodor!" along with the beat. You bastard!

Yes. Ugh.

Oooh….its ON! lol Yeah, either would have been a far better choice.

Life is Beautiful! I should clarify. It wasn't the worst movie I've ever seen but I've never finished a film that I hated more than that one.

I'm not trying to start a fight but I HATED Good Will Hunting. It felt like a Lifetime movie of the week to me. And Robin Williams has Burt Reynolds' Oscar on his mantle.