
The worst movie I've ever seen won the Best Foreign Language Film and Best Actor Oscars. Does that count?

Doh! You're right.

I like you. You're not like the other people…here in the trailer park.

It really pisses me off that I'd never seen that before…

Roxy Music - "Slave to Love" (Yeah, I did a 2nd one. Bite me.)

Jim Carroll Band - "People Who Died"

Get off my lawn.

Me too, buddy. Me too. 50 at the end of May.

I just Googled him. He grew up to become Bruce Villanch!

I remember crying when he cried on the Mike Douglas show. I'm pretty sure that was the first time a TV show or movie made me cry. Now I'm old and I cry when they announce the winner on Iron Chef America. But now I cry in a manly way.

Damn it. I was about to post the exact same thing, with no capitalization or punctuation. Beat me to it.

Dead Gay Son is my 2nd favorite quote. First place is

If I Love My Dead Gay Son is an actual song in the musical….there's hope.

Wait…what? Kent and…. OMG!

This is my "movie that, if I happen to catch it at any point on cable at any time of day, I will watch until it's over" movie.

White chocolate carrot cake M&M's? I will eat nothing else for the next 2 months. Damn you, M&M's!

Either Coen Brother. How sad would THAT be?

That threw me too. I think you're right. I think that was a flash-forward.

NO you Ass Hat…but SOME do. If the occasional portrayal of homosexuals on television bothers you, you're nothing but a small-minded bigot.

Over 12,000 jokes. Were 12 funny? That's a 0.1% success rate. Sounds about right.