
I grew up (and am FB friends) with the current touring bassist (pictured at left above) so I will refrain from further comment. (See what I did there? I TOTALLY nailed the "I kinda know a celebrity" thing without being blatant about it!)

I read that Asaro only got caught because he had to go back for his lucky hat.

I knew the twists to The Sixth Sense and Fight Club before seeing them. Definitely affected my enjoyment of each film although I still liked them a lot. Fight Club is probably in all time Top 5. But MAN, it would've been nice to experience them without knowing.

As Jean Harlow's great-great-nephew (true story), this really pisses me off.


R. Kelly enjoys urinating in 15 year old girl's mouths, then fucking them, then paying off their family to stay out of prison. But thanks for correcting my vocabulary. You're a wonderful human being.

And the blind guy from Becker!

Why anyone gives a happy monkey fuck what these people think or say is utterly beyond me.

Grrrr. I, being from Indiana, blame anti-Midwest bias.

I couldn't agree more….bitch. (Sorry, I just have a problem calling a stranger bitch. lol)

How is Courtney Love like a hockey team?

Yep. It's the Jann Wenner this-is-what-I-listen-to-on-long-road-trips Hall of Fame…mostly.

To my knowledge, Cheap Trick has never even made the short list for induction. This bothers me. That is all.


He got off because the victim lied after being given millions of dollars. Hard to win a case when the victim changes her story.

Exactly. 15 year old girls are just that…girls. Physically, many of them are very mature. Some of them are very mentally mature. Emotionally, they are little girls. R. Kelly is human filth.

I'm 49 and I'm not sure I qualify as an adult…

You raise a good point, capp. I would counter that most people don't know about Page's past, he was never charged with statutory rape, and he didn't go on to a career making sexually provocative music. Having said all that, you're…right.

If the personal behavior involves urinating into a 15 year old girl's mouth, raping the 15 year old girl, and then paying her family millions of dollars so they won't testify….damn right. I have no interest in anything "artistic" that the child fucker does for the rest of his child fucking life.

As a HS teacher with mainly 15 year old students I can say without reservation that you have no idea what you're talking about.