Girl got used to the high life, and now it’s over. 0 pity.
Girl got used to the high life, and now it’s over. 0 pity.
I should not have laughed as hard as I did at Punkie Johnson’s empty wheelchair rolling into the wall in “Waffle House”, but I did.
I thought it looked like two sleeves. Each one had three buttons at the ends just like a suit jacket.
What on earth is this article? You say it’s steeped in assault allegations and then it turns out to be a throwaway line at the very end where it turns out two (2!%) of the (unnamed) contestants have allegations against them. Is that even higher than the average at all?
It has literally nothing to do with the show, or…
“There has been no third party interference in this relationship of any kind. That includes, but is not limited to...actual humans, DMs, AI bots or succubus demons,” Fox wrote.
Clement’s role didn’t amount to much, and I thought it was hilarious that he was using an American accent next to the boat captain who was (I think) Australian. Like, who cares, it’s the future on another planet, let Clement be a kiwi. He and the Australian could make snide comments at each other.
Same author, same day:
So we’re supposed to forget a story that may be fake and even if it was real just shows that Jason Sudeikis is a human being with human emotions?
There is also a double standard at work here. Wilde began fucking the lead actor on a movie she was directing. She didn’t get lectures about a power imbalance, etc the reaction was more “slay queen slay”.
So just to be clear: we're supposed to hate Jason Sudeikis because of a report from a former nanny that both he and Olivia Wilde denied was true, and also because a process server did their job? Even for present-day AV Club, this is a shockingly bad take.
It’s one licensing deal, Adam. What could it cost, $10?
Does Netflix need money to keep it around? There’s always money in the banana stand.
She deserves all the praise for doing that while apparently pregnant, but as shows go, that was as mediocre as mediocre gets. The songs carried. The performance, the staging, the design, the lack of surprises. As by the numbers as you can get with these.
Alternate Headline:
What, no Varsity Blues???
Jesus. Can anyone imagine Jezebel publishing an article about a 51 year old man dating a 24 year old woman and asking how the man is able to tolerate the young woman and speculating about her sexual prowess?
one that you missed: Person behind you flashes their beams while you have your turn signal on —> It’s OK to merge in front of me.
I am foursquare and 100% behind this proposition: go for it, y’all! /applause gif
She just might do it. She’s hugely popular - she was the presiding judge at the trial for the Waukesha Christmas Parade attack. People were dressing up as her for Halloween, like she’s some kind of superhero.
I like that they’re recreating the full experience, including the part where I have to figure out how to possibly watch something on something called “Starz.”