
Considering what you dry last this seems fitting....

So sorry for your loss. Just went through this couple months ago with my Berner and best friend. It is the worst but it does eventually get better. Best of luck.


So kind of like Maui....but not.


Good to see Ricardo Morra staying active.

You’ve heard it before....but good work on this throughout, Dave. Hope they let you sign the ball.

I’m guessing those are the kids parents in the mascot uniforms just working some stuff out.

I was thinking more Scott Thompson from Kids in the Hall channeling his inner Johnny Depp

Can you all try to keep it down? Trying to sleep here!

except I can’t think of anywhere you’re less likely to be wearing shoes than on a dock

Not the first frog spit back.

This somehow lead me down a Brian Bonsall ‘where is he now’ trip I did not plan on taking today. Thanks. Spoiler: wow

A harsher punishment would have been to make him play the next four games.

That is the face of a man who did not see this coming.

No Pepsi. Coke

Would anyone be surprised if this is exactly how the debate starts on Wednesday?

“Capitalize in the red zone and shit”

When Beckham hauled in a short out route for four yars, Rhodes hit him on his way out of bounds.

Well, yeah. But this was just what he brought for the plane ride.