Ooooh, if she likes platformers and quirky characters you HAVE to get her Psychonauts! I think it's only 5 bucks on Steam right now.
Ooooh, if she likes platformers and quirky characters you HAVE to get her Psychonauts! I think it's only 5 bucks on Steam right now.
Really, Nintendo won't ship to Canada then? Sucks :-(
As far as I know, it's only going to be available through Gamestop/EBgames or directly from Nintendo's website. It's going to be a limited release too, so if you really want it, you'd better pre-order!
Don't think my computer can run it, I'll be holding out for a PS3 version price drop. But thanks for the tip! :-)
I'll have to get this game when it goes down in price... I have no doubt it's worth the full price, but I gotta work on my backlog first!
I recommend Persona 3 and 4. Play them in order if you can, because it's hard to go back to P3 once you've had a taste of P4's gameplay, but P3's story is still very much worth experiencing.
I gotta say, Ghost Trick's music really gave the game's more intense moments the dramatic edge they needed. It's a bit like the music that plays when you make a successful objection in Phoenix Wright, it just gives you that "Oh man, shit just got real" feeling.
That is my Game of the Year pick. Not "Portable Game of the Year" or "Adventure Game of the Year". It's just my overall favorite. It doesn't have much replay value, I guess, but I know I'll be playing it again in a few years with a big grin on my face, even though I already know all the twists!
Just pre-ordered Xenoblade Chronicles on (yes, we still have those in Canada).
So, after completing Rayman Origins, I didn't really know what else to play.
I finished it three days ago, and yes, it's that good. Best platformer since Yoshi's Island, if you ask me.
Finished this yesterday, it might just be the best 2D platformer since Super Mario World. There's a kind of rhythm in its gameplay that makes it so compelling, it just feels RIGHT.
I know that one, but it's the first time I hear this version. I think I prefer the version that's on Shoso Strip, the bassline really brings it all together!
That is a fucking great album. Definitely in my top 10 of 2010!
I'm very pleased to see Ghost Trick on there as well! Portable games always seem to be kept out of annual awards such as these, at least outside of the "Best PSP/DS/iOS game" category.
Wow, thanks for the tip! This is the kind of stuff I would have normally dismissed as a scam, but if you say you used his services and were satisfied, I'll give it a go!
I would happily pay $15 of customs to get that game at such a price, but just don't ship to Canada. It's bullshit, I can pay more for shipping, I don't mind! But nooooooo, "go on" they said, "where deals go to die". never has these kind of deals, it's killing me... Legend of Heroes for $13? It goes for like, fifty bucks here!
I loved Ape Escape and its sequel, but never played the third game.