Diamond Sea

I think they could do that in two ways :

Not sure how I feel about a game mode being made in a full game... I loved Mercenaries in RE4 and RE5, but it would have to bring something new to the table, to warrant its $40 price.

Not big on fighters, but that Cave Story remake sure looks great! Loved the PC and Wiiware versions, might get it for a third time.

Missed them in Montreal some years ago... I thought "Naaah I don't know their songs all that well anyway", but I ended up regretting it, they seem really amazing live. I'm sure they'll come back though.

I start working at my new job tomorrow. It's no summer job either, this is the real deal, I might be doing this for the rest of my life. It's AWESOME, but somehow it's also extremely stressful. I hope I don't screw anything up.

Canadian gamers can get NFS : Hot Pursuit for $40 at Best Buy. I'm still on the fence about it, kind of surprised it hasn't dropped more than that, it's been a while since its release.

Never had a Dreamcast, unfortunately. But I did play the Gamecube version of Skies of Arcadia, and it was pretty awesome!

I just got Disciples II Gold, five bucks at I have fond memories of the first game in the series. It seemed kind of like the Heroes of Might & Magic series, but while I could never really get into HoMM, I loved Disciples to death. I think it was the simplified combat, more akin to something you'd find in an

For PS1, here's my list :

Thanks for bringing Elemental Gimmick Gear to my attention. I've been missing out on this whole Dreamcast thing, but maybe I can redeem myself...

I'm not sure about Ghost Trick, but I'm pretty certain the Etrian Odyssey made a profit here. If it didn't, Atlus wouldn't have localized any of them after the first.

I would have put a coin in and tried to grab his head, just to freak him out.

I don't see your point. Persona doesn't have the same mass appeal as Final Fantasy does, okay. But it's still raking in money for Atlus, else they wouldn't bother localizing them.

I'm with you on this. The Japanese always seem to assume that "Oh that game is way too Japanese for westerners, they won't get it".

A picture of the Wii U controller's back. Maybe it's just me, but I haven't seen this posted anywhere on Kotaku. And it should have been posted!

You know, if you have the GOTY edition of Fallout 3, you can continue playing after the end. If you're in such a hurry to see it through, you could do that. I think it's the Brotherhood of Steel DLC that allows you to do that.

I dunno, if I look at my gaming collection, only considering current-gen consoles, it's still about 2/3 Japanese games. And I'm not the type to dress up as Cloud and watch corny fan-made FFX music videos either. I'm just some dude who enjoys games, and a lot of the games I enjoy happen to be made in Japan.

Now playing

The song is "Natsunandesu", by Happy End. Great '70s japanese band, they've got this laid-back, folky sound. Their 1971 album, "Kazemachi Roman", is compulsively listenable.

I just started playing X-Com : UFO Defense, which I got for cheap on Steam with all other X-Com games, a while ago.

Alone? Bleh.