"Diamond Sea: You have some kind of weird sea lion unicorn avatar thing. But its awesome, loved all your comments. "
"Diamond Sea: You have some kind of weird sea lion unicorn avatar thing. But its awesome, loved all your comments. "
Fellow New Vegas addicts, here's a little game for you : finish the quote!
Canadian gamers! Futureshop is having a promotion where you can pre-order a selection of E3-related games for pretty cheap.
I hope this episodes delves even deeper into Layton's past.
A Goomba with a Tanooki tail?
Yes. Debate over. That's what I'm calling it.
Well we've been calling Wii Remotes "Wiimotes" or "Wii-motes" for a while, so why don't we call this one the "U-mote"?
Ah! So you don't necessarily have to buy multiple New Controllers to play multiplayer, if you have some Wii-motes? Good news. Because uh, those things are going to be pretty pricey, I think.
I sent him a PM saying I appreciate his writing, and asked him what happened to his monthly Kotaku features.
I tracked him down on Facebook (won't ask him to add me though, I'm not that creepy), and ZOMG it's his birthday today! :-D
You wouldn't believe how jealous I am :-P
Sticky-frictive... Did you pull that from Tim Rogers? If so, internet high five, right now.
Agreed! And it's our job to promote those pretty cool people without stars :-)
I never said it was a bad thing, nor that they should stop doing more linear 3D Mario games. I only said that I prefer more open-ended 3D platformers like SM64 and Sunshine, and that I hope Super Mario 3DS is more like those games than like the Galaxy games.
I like the idea of having a screen on the controller, but that's just too damn big. It's ridiculous. Plus, the shoulder buttons are way too far from the d-pad/ABXY buttons. Can you imagine keeping your thumb on ABXY while using the R button? Hellooooooo handcramps.
Yes, I wonder why they made it so big... You can process a lot of information on a small screen, if you know how to use it. You'd think Nintendo's experiments with the GBA/GC connnectivity would have proven that, but apparently not.
Okay no, just no, I keep looking at it and I don't see how it works. Look how far the trigger buttons are from the ABXY buttons! How can you even play this thing?
It's fucking huge. That thing is probably going to be very expensive as a stand-alone product. Of course the console will come bundled with one, but if you want to get another controller to play with your friends, that's going to be a big investment, methinks.