Diamond Sea

I hope it gets back to the foundations laid by Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine. Galaxy and its sequel were good, but as 3D platformers, they were disappointing. It wouldn't be a stretch to say that the only thing that was 3D about most of their levels was the graphics. The levels were extremely linear.

Now playing

Bwahaha, loving the shitstorm in the new Brothers in Arms trailer's Youtube comments.

Yes, I was pretty satisfied with their conference. Last year's showing had its moments, but some of it was downright embarassing. Like, when they announced their Coca-Cola partnership, as if we cared who they're in bed with.

Wow, a LBP ripoff, really?

That's how I see it too. I think this is a great era for PC-gaming, with digital distribution and indie development being at their peak. I'll always love consoles, and get most of my gaming experience from them. But when I see The Witcher for ten bucks at GoG and those ridiculous Steam sales (their holiday sales are

I'm thinking about it as well. Well, not so much for BF3 than for all the crazy Steam sales :-P

Yeah, that's the only thing holding me back, really. To its credit, it does seem very ergonomic, but even the original PSP wasn't very portable, and this looks even worse.

I sure hope that's not the case... I loved myself some Japanese demos :-(

Now playing

My New Vegas marathon goes on! I'm investigating weird reports coming from different NCR camps. Things like trained Deathclaws and Supermutants in Caesar's Legion.

I don't think they're going to beat Nintendo, but they're going to be a lot more competitive than they were with the PSP, at that price point. If it has the games going for it, of course.

Well that's about what I get from my PSP. It's not great, not even good, but it certainly seems to be "decent", by today's standards.

Pleasantly surprised by the price! Add a decent battery life to that, and they're getting my money :)

I'm reposting this from yesterday's TAY, because it was pretty late when I posted it, so I dunno if everyone saw it.

A lot of people seem to think a hardcore gamer is someone who's really good at playing games. I don't think that's it at all.

I applied for a job at Bell Canada but they never called back. It's weird too, because my girlfriend's dad even let a word in for me (he works there as a technician).

I've always preferred the crunchy kind, they're so much more satisfying to bite into, IMO :-P

Wise advice. Pneumonia is never a good way to spend your time. Or so I've heard, anyway.

Playlist as in, games, or music?

Dawn of Sorrow was good, but it suffered from the "OH-MY-GOD-A-TOUCH-SCREEN" trap a lot of early DS games fell into. They just HAD to use it, even when it wasn't necessary. Drawing symbols on the bosses to finish them? Breaking ice blocks with the stylus? Eeeuuurrgh....

Got a call from Sûreté du Québec this morning (Quebec's police department). They're going to hire me for that radiocommunications job I applied for!