Diamond Sea

I never used Vanille because of her orgasmic yelps whilst in battle. My girlfriend did NOT approve :-P

All games you buy from GoG work on modern OSes right away, no fiddling necessary. So short answer : yes!

Yeah that's normal, it's always been that way. I guess they're on another network or something?

Those are some craaaaazy records. I take it you're the type to replay games over and over again?

No release date yet, right? Good, good, that'll leave me time to save up for a capable PC.

Well I definitely can, so don't worry! Sometimes my profile pic doesn't show up when I post, but it comes back eventually. I love Kotaku but it's a bit glitchy :-/

Well you do have a profile pic, it's some dude with a blue mohawk. Is that the one you were trying to upload?

17 years later... So that will make Ivy, what, 49?

Man they better release that Layton/Wright crossover overseas, or I'll be one sad panda :-(

Woo, my interest in Guild Wars is renewed! I was stuck on the same goddamn mission for months, giving it a try every 2-3 weeks and always getting my ass kicked at the last minute, but this time I did it! I had help from a nice Elementalist from France, he was lower-level than me, but just having another human around

Damn, I never tasted one of these... I'll have to get one before they're all gone!

Probably Miles Edgeworth for me. I'm glad you said "antagonist" and not "villain", because Edgeworth is just that. He's there to impede's Phoenix Wright's progress, but he's not a bad person, he fights for what he thinks is right. He wants the truth, he just happens to believe the truth is somewhere else.

Now playing

I've been listening to Crowded House's Woodface lately. Great album, makes me want to check out more of their stuff.

I know the grue is supposed to be some non-descript, weird monster and that's what makes it so terrifiying, but since I'm french Canadian and "grue" means "crane" in french, I've always had a hard time taking it seriously.

I love Björk. Saw her show at Parc Jean-Drapeau some years ago, it was beautiful. I'm excited about her new project, Biophilia. Apparently, it's going to be some kind of audio-visual experience. To quote Wikipedia, "The album is "partly recorded" on an iPad and will be released in the form of a series of apps.

Word. They're not telling us anything except "Be patient, we're sorry". I want the technical details. I want to know just what they're doing. Maybe they think it's none of our business and that it wouldn't interest the average gamer, and maybe that's true, but it's better than being left in the dark.

Now playing

Looove T-Square. Casiopea were also great.

I'm currently playing through it as well. From what I understood, the multiple endings are acquired through multiple playthroughs. It's not like, say, Fallout 3, where you actions affect the outcome. It's always going to be the same, and you have to play through a part of the story again with a new perspective to see

Now playing

Just got to Celestial Tower in Pokémon White. The place reminds me of Lavender Town! It's just missing its awesome music :-(