I didn't know you could buy hard mats, I thought you had to get the whole machine for that!
I didn't know you could buy hard mats, I thought you had to get the whole machine for that!
Woo, that's cheap! I've only ever played on older machines, late 90s/early 00s, didn't even know they made a Supernova 2 machine. I have both Supernovas on PS2, they're fun but I miss the times when it was just Japanese songs. Sean Paul in my DDR just doesn't feel right :-(
Whoa, didn't peg you as a hardcore DDR player. 15 mats, that's crazy!
Yeah he did! He said something like, "I'm not trying to be a troll, I just followed what was written on the press release!" and I was like "Aaaaw Totilo take it easy I know you didn't mean no harm".
Well, my personal favorites are 8 and 12, but they're probably not the most representative of the series... I'd say 4, 6, 7 and 9 are good places to start. 4 and 9 if you prefer the more "fantastical" aspects (knights, swords, mages, etc), but 6 and 7 if you prefer something a little more contemporary, with steampunk…
Well, if you're asking why they're releasing less games than they used to, it's probably because graphical assets are a lot more expensive and time-consuming to make, these days.
Yesterday I got myself another DDR mat for PS2, ten bucks. I only play that game 3-4 times a year, but it's always with friends, and we always have a great time, so I thought it'd be a good investment.
Once I called Totilo a troll, because he referred to Squall from FF8 as "Squall from Dissidia" in an image's description. I added a ":-P" to let him know I was just teasing.
I think I played that in co-op with a buddy, some years ago. It was really tense, a lot of fun.
Very good point, I hadn't considered it. Perhaps they could give female characters less HP to counterbalance that fact, but then we'd get people saying it's sexist, so maybe it's better not to go there :-)
Good one!
Main character's mom in Animal Crossing was the sweetest. Always recalling the good old days and sending you useless stuff... Just like a real mom would!
I'm still excited about Brink, but I have to say I'm surprised that you won't be able to make female characters in it.
Is it your first time beating Metroid Prime as well? That last boss is one tough mofo', good luck!
It was in TAY, some guy was saying that the concept of "health" and "lives" is outdated, and that games should adapt their outcome to the player's failures. I made some convincing arguments against it, saying that
Yesterday I was doing side-missions in Nier (am I the only one who finds them actually fun?).
It's pretty good! For $20 or less, you really can't go wrong. The soundtrack alone is worth that price of admission, so the fact that you're getting a pretty great game too just seals the deal.
I still have to even begin AC2. The first one couldn't hold my attention, but I heard the sequel was great.
There's more storytelling, new physics stuff to play with, and energy balls have been replaced with lasers (much less annoying, I thought). It's also longer, though that's both a blessing and a curse. I liked how concise the first game was, sometimes I wonder if the best way to make a sequel could have been another…
The Half-Life 2 buggy. I'm probably the only one who loved those long vehicle sections.