Of course! I played a lot of New Vegas, and I started Nier yesterday. I've been playing it just as much. I sure miss playing online though :-(
Of course! I played a lot of New Vegas, and I started Nier yesterday. I've been playing it just as much. I sure miss playing online though :-(
Well, that went well. Went to the mall to get a birthday gift for my girlfriend, expecting to spend a good 2-3 hours over there. I had trouble finding something, but it didn't take all that long.
Well her birthday is saturday, so things are still looking up for tonight ;-D
If I get either of the two, it's going to be Brink. LA Noire looks amazing, but I'll wait for a price drop. With Brink, I know I'll take advantage of the multiplayer (well, if the PSN comes back up), so it's a safer bet.
Woo, no school today!
Oh Animal Crossing too? I'm going to waste so much time on this!
Knowing how much developers love DLC these days, that doesn't sound like a great idea for third-party games, or at least multiplatforms.
Well for fuck's sake, took long enough. Will be picking up Brawl! Already beat Twilight Princess on the good old Cube, so I'll pass on that one, but I'm looking forward to more games in the Wii Select line. Maybe NSMB Wii or Mario Kart =D
Well, I guess I'm going to wait for the CIA to come here.
"The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House."
I'd still like the Japanese to just keep on doing their thing. When they try to cater to western audiences, we get stylistic clusterfucks like Quantum Theory.
Eeeeh, that sure is a lot of stuff, but I'd have to hide it from my girlfriend anyway, so it's probably not the best investment. As long as I get the soundtrack and artbook with my pre-order, I'm happy!
I don't have many people to play couch co-op with... Although, the girlfriend might like it. If the enemies don't scale up with the number of players, it should be easy enough for her.
I don't know, that's a good question! I'll have to check it out.
So yesterday I charged up my PSP to play some Legend of Mana. I hadn't loaded it on my PSP yet, but it's on my PS3's hard drive, so I thought "Hey I'll just connect them together with a USB cable and transfer the game on my memory stick".
I found the side-quests to be much more enjoyable than the main game, I hope you have fun! :)
I'm just hoping the PSN goes back up so we can get Outland :(
Were you speedrunning it? Because that's awfully fast, and it's not the kind of game you should rush through. You should savour every moment!
Of course not. I think they'd much rather have you cancelling now and sending you a new card, before your current one is used for fraudulent purposes, than have to cancel all the fraudulent transactions on top of that.
I bought Fallout New Vegas and played that for a good 15-20 hours. I've been too busy with music shows (Godspeed! You Black Emperor, Tame Impala, The Kills, Cold Cave...) and studying to really get more gaming on, so the blackout wasn't THAT bad. Apart from that "no Portal 2 co-op" thing. That kind of pissed me off.…