Diamond Sea

@ChiltonGaines: Wealthy Gadabout: Ah yes I think I know which Galaxy you're talking about, it was a tough one! I thought I'd never have to go back there, but it's probably the fastest way...

@Diamond Sea: Probably the final version! Amateurish stuff, but I liked the idea so I went with it :)

I may upgrade that submission with other small details later!

@LordAkela: The video was clever but not that funny. The hundreds of Youtube comments taking him seriously though, now THAT'S hilarious :-P

SMBC had a great one this week.

@RAMeyer19: Joe Danger is a lot of fun! Think Excitebike racing meets Tony Hawk's trick system meets LittleBigPlanet's level creation.

I got all the green stars in SMG2, at last! Now I got one star in the Grandmaster Galaxy, and I read I have to deposit 9999 star bits in the bank to unlock the last one...

@MrPerson: Some of them are like that, but most are in plain sight and require some pretty serious skills to reach. I thought they were much more fun to get than the first 120, since the game stops holding your hand, it becomes a lot less linear.

@MrPerson: Finally got 120 stars? But there are 120 more! =D

Getting those last three green stars in SMG2, then playing through Vanquish's solo campaign, which I've heard is quite short. Starting a 100% run of SM64 if I have the time!

@ScorpiuS41: Yeah I think that a lot of people actually liked the more linear aspect in SMG. I like to think of it as the missing link between Super Mario World and Super Mario 64. The gameplay is 3D, but the progression definitely feels 2D. I mean, you could tell that just looking at SMG2's map, compared to SM64's

@PajamaSam: How could I have forgotten Happy Wheels? Just watching someone play that game is more entertaining than most of what I have played this year! We've been having a blast with this between classes in college.

Innocently drinking the wine the weird doctor gave to me in Heavy Rain, thus discovering I would make an astoundingly moronic woman.

@buckyboy2009: Tomba 2 was fucking awesome. First game I rented for my PS1, I didn't even have any games to call my own at the time. I never beat it, but boy did I have a blast. I hope they'd release both Tomba games on the PSN :(

@Manly McBeeferton: No More Heroes. It's required playing if you love the medium.

@t3g: Ah, didn't know that. Wasn't trying to advertise for GoG or anything, thanks for the tip :P

@Mozz-eyes: Damn I knew it was short, but that short? Well, I got it for $30 in a boxing week deal, and I usually replay through these kinds of games, so I'm sure I'll get my money's worth anyway.

@ScorpiuS41: Well, unlike most people, I'm not a big fan of the Galaxy series. I don't like the level design, it feels like they just threw in every idea they could and used the "satellites connected with star launchers" concept to tie them all together as loosely as possible. In SM64 and Sunshine, when you entered a

@orinos73: They're going to make one per reporter, I don't think that's too much, really.

That kid kinda looks like Thurston Moore from Sonic Youth!