So I finally got those two Rolling Coaster green stars in Super Mario Galaxy 2. The guy in the video makes it look a lot easier than it is, it took me a good 45 minutes.
So I finally got those two Rolling Coaster green stars in Super Mario Galaxy 2. The guy in the video makes it look a lot easier than it is, it took me a good 45 minutes.
I think it's worth mentioning that you can get Beneath A Steel Sky for free by signing in It's pretty good, well worth a look!
You know what? I think it's time for a new No One Lives Forever game. I know the market is saturated by first-person shooters right now, but that's exactly my point, we need another breath of fresh air, like the first two were.
@Pal: Oh well it's no powerhouse, but I do love me some PC gaming, don't worry! I've been playing a lot of Minecraft and Guild Wars lately, and I'm considering another playthrough of Deus Ex :D
@Paradox me: Persona 4, definitely. Unless you're a huge FF7 fan, I'd stay away from Crisis Core if I was you. As fan-service, it's fitting, but only the most rose-tinted FF7 glasses could overlook the inane dialog, shallow combat and random DMW system (which decides EVERYTHING, from when you use summons to when you…
@The Good Space Doctor: Oh I didn't know that!
@Gh0stKiller: Ah, well, I stand corrected.
@Jon Farist: I love In The Aeroplane Over The Sea! I can't say I'm a fan of their other material, but that album is really something else.
@wiskill: GU-RAAATE! Yoo gaveet your best effot!
@AlphaJarmel: I don't care much for figurines or artbooks, and soundtracks I can get off the internet.... So that pretty much limits me to games, and there's nothing outrageously expensive that I'd want.
I love Cooking Mama... But I hate flooding my friends' walls with stupid application requests. As much as it pains me, I'll have to skip that one.
@Mike Ott: I've been playing a lot of Guild Wars lately, and I see where you're coming from. People from my Guild are helpful and nice, and I've met a few people outside the Guild who were fun to play with, but really most people playing MMOs are fucking zombies.
@invictus2006: Games that put black bars on top and bottom during cutscenes. Back when games were made for 4:3 TVs, it was stupid but understandable. They wanted to recreate a movie theater's aspect ratio. Fine, okay. I don't think games should ever strive to be movies, but I see where they're coming from.
@TheRealDoshu: I'd take FF8 over FF7 any day, but I'd say it's about on par with 9, if you can get into it. It plays differently than most games in the series, and it may seem overly complicated at first, but it's the most engaging if you ask me.
@AerintheGREAT: It's my personal favorite of the PS1 era :D
@comtar: It was a cool game! I got it on an Abandonware website some years ago and played it through Dosbox, I was surprised at how well it aged, compared to its contemporaries.
Man I love me some Guild Wars. I'm really not used to online RPG's, so seeing all those drones ignoring my Missions party invites because they'd rather farm for dye or some shit is really disheartening, but then I'm in a pretty nice Guild with helpful people and I also met some cool peeps outside of my Guild.
@RandomFFCid: Shit man, you tell me. I wish someone would have listened to that guy :
@Pray4Mojo: I don't really see how 3D brings new ways to play a game anymore than nicer graphics do. They both aim to achieve greater immersion.
@Nahuna: 20, male.