
Lol. I really hope your not saying im a troll cause i called that guy out on his bs. That and russian bot the only excuses used now so you can gloss over what your missing? Im a liberal but its time to speak up on those who just want to divide us even more from both sides. But ya go ahead and continue to hang out

Thats the problem. You assume they are all bigots when we all know thats not true. You probably make every excuse on why you wont listen to that side. There is always compromise. There is a reason trump got voted in and it has nothing to do with bigotry. If you cant see that then your too ignorant.

Will you just pretend that the potus isn’t being tarred and feathered in the media everyday? I really think most liberals fail to see how much of america will vote for trump again in 2020. Staying in your own bubble with people who think just like you isn’t going to make you any smarter. I’m not even a trump supporter

If what you said is true the driver would have been arrested that day for stolen guns. Dont lie and change the story to fit your narrative. 

Lol. You must be from West Virginia

They didnt belong to the driver! Such a lie. One of the guns was “lost” in Monroeville a day or 2 before. The kid arrested for the drive by was in control of the glock .40 during drive by. 

Woodland Hills is notorious for fighting...fighting other students, teachers. This article is 3 yrs late considering this "cop" has been gone awhile. 

You cant break someones jaw with your shoulder. Your that TYPE who cannot be objective if you hate a certain team. Its obvious.

How could anyone deem this suspension harsh? He broke zar’s jaw with his shoulder. There is no getting around that one point. Nothing else would cause those injuries on that exact play.

Technically they were bison

Your hand must hurt by now, unless you poor af

I love when someone compares a time period from almost 200 years ago to society today and think it will fit.

Ill bet my left nut this guys still bitching months later

And yet many of those same people who were harassed or assaulted have no problem making fun of someone because of who they voted for or where they are from... Thats ok though. A very high pct of humans are complete hypocrites.

Because nobody said jack to White about this lawsuit for months till its asked right after he won gold. Basically nobody would have been reminded of this settled lawsuit if he finished 4th.

Here’s my problem. Where was Laura Wagner and all these other journalists before the halfpipe contest? Would we have been reminded of what he did if White didnt win gold or even a medal?

Whatever the point is there is one thing for sure...SEASON 8 IS AWFUL. Chances of season 9 being any good are now extremely low. There is a reason most great shows don’t go past 6 or 7 seasons.

Not sure ahat your watching but I see this story on news everywhere rn

Yeah, ones without any backbone. Id have no problem blowing up any situation at the slightest sniff of disgusting behavior like this. Most adults have no balls though. Stay in their lane with horse blinders to not upset the apple cart.

You obviously have no clue how golf works for a lot of people. Deals are made out there every day.