
Touchdown, I mean interception Tommy!

This is the NFLs roots. What you saw last night still goes on to this day, albeit not as much as before. But to sit here and be completely ignorant to what The National Football League really is cant be stated enough. And then to sit there shocked and appalled about something thats been right there to see for your

Dudes a straight retard. Halladay was an idiot just by looking at the video before but why is this guy bringing up something that happened 16.5 years ago?

This reminds me of Colin McRae show boating on his helicopter.

Id love to see POTUS 46 confront Kim with “ If you smellalalalalalllll what the Potus is cooking”

Pretty stupid headline to an article. Obviously ESPN had a good reason or they wouldn’t have suspended her. It’s called the BOTTOM LINE! Cmon author.

The majority of fans want Tomlin gone for 2 reasons. 1) Every single year the team loses to a very bad team(Bears ‘17) and 2) He cant beat the Pats when it matters. Cowher couldnt either and plenty of people were calling for his head until he finally won it all.

Thats just assuming the worst. You cant just assume someone is a racist by the way they look or where they live.

You mention one racist and assume the city is all this way! Thats crazy man. Why would you even talk to someone that was like that?

Your completely ignorant if you think the majority of people in this city are racists.

You obviously underestimate playing Iowa on the road.

Woah Guy settle down. Nobody cares.

Eating a treeful of dicks would sound better

The drug epidemic has been ignored for 50 years?!?! Are you mad? The war on drugs will never be won but it has been fought and fought hard.

Haha you really think the next generation won’t stop using twitter? Nothing stays the same and even Twitter will disappear one day

Pens will be marching towards 3xrow so it really won’t matter.

That made you walk out?

Thank god for for Sidney Crosby