
I agree. I have such mixed feelings about this. Our side was absolutely lambasting Trump and his minions for all of their talk of a “rigged” election, and now we’re all trying to convince each other it was actually rigged. (And, yeah, McCrory — we’re calling him a sore loser and threat to democracy, etc.)

The show is good, but it used to be a lot funnier before everyone kinda caught on that certain things they said or did would be funny for the actors to mouth. It worked best in the early years when no one really knew what was going on but they were just seriously blasted and said a lot of slurry, off-the-cuff stuff.

Exactly. Waving at Lena Dunham, Bryan Cranston and company, not at people who are actually at any kind of risk.

Right. The Lena Dunhams, the Amy Schumers, the Bryan Cranstons, the Alec Baldwins. They talk tough and then crumble almost immediately after the election actually happens.

Also, being “old” in and of itself shouldn’t be an insult. Like, bitch, just try to insult Betty White by calling her “old.” The amount of years we have been alive should not be a target for insults, but that’s a whole other societal issue. 

YES! That was when I kind of started turning against her (not that I was ever a superfan), because I couldn’t believe how she could dish it out and not take it. What the hell?

Depends. Alcohol can bring out some really weird shit in me that actually *isn’t* (or shouldn’t be) in my sober brain, and I have no idea why it comes out when I’m drunk.

Right — it was funny for a minute, but now it’s just tired. Also, when the shoe is on the other foot, she’s very thin-skinned (hmmm, sounds like someone we all know and — er — love).

This “bump” always happens right after an election, as people want to at least try to rally around the prez-elect. It SHOULD plunge again once he’s actually in office (that happens to even GOOD presidents).

We NEED reasonable Republicans and Dems in the Cabinet, so whatever it takes, man. And, yes, many people who go into politics do it for the power/prestige.

Right, lots of “ifs” there. The OP was talking about the person who has none of those things but just likes to say, “CANADA!” without any understanding of what it actually entails to pick up and move to another country.

It’s the worst when people just type “CANADA!” in their posts or what have you. Immigrating to Canada is actually very hard. All of it is very hard. And there is no place that is a utopian shangri-la, including Canada.

What about the party, though? The Dems are in a precarious place right now and need to strengthen. Do we want to be the “idiot McCrorys” of the presidential race?

Which sounds like a MUCH better life!

As at least one other poster pointed out, Hillz deserves a better pic than this one.

A week or so ago, I’d have said Trump would have been HUGELY relieved to get out of this presidency thing. Now I think he’s kinda getting into it.

I think it’s largely that we humans have a VERY hard time admitting we have just maaayybe made a mistake.

Also, if they do a recount based on this circumstantial evidence and it still shows Hillary lost the electoral college (the most likely outcome), this could potentially harm any power/influence the Dems have now, as we’ll look like sore (double) losers.

Your strategy of not engaging too much on the boards is likely a smart one.

You’d think 2000 would have been a wake-up call, too.