
Trump university! Go Pricks!

I love it so much! I will try to not keep going on adn on but I make mo promises! I also when the simulated disaster "Leslie you on the tv! kill all birds! this is for the drill right? but I need to kill them for real?

she just got married 10 minutes ago!!! oh thats the girl from the thing???

I liked when they tried to set birds off at the wedding. "yea that one is dead! we know that now!"

I loved when animal control guys appeared!

he was never supposed to last past the first 6 episodes he was only written as a douche boyfriend of Anne's but the producers really liked chris pratt and fine tuned his character. then they found the chemistry with april. I admit I couldn't stand his character season 1 and was surprised they brought him back season

it was definitely on Phyllis' wedding from the office level of cringiness! I am so glad to hear other people also get 2nd hand embarrassment!!! :) I had to walk away during the speech lol garret's face/reaction was so perfect though!

now i miss galavant all over again! fingers crossing for another season of trial and error!

nto quite as bad as everyone is saying but not marvels greatest for sure. writing was really uneven but theres potential there. there were some storylines i liked! the first 3 episodes are a little rough to get through….

they have already said if its a 2nd season its a new case so lithgow is only in one season. Josh and his team will still be in the next season ::fingers crossed for season 2::

The musical theater nerd in me loved it! I would totally be find with a flash/supergirl musical every season! ;) Loved superfriends (but knew i would as it is rachel bloom who makes everything amazing!) but put a little love in your heart was showstopping! Of course i am a little biased to jeremy jordan's voice but

i laughed at that too and was surprised no mention of it in the review. then my mind goes to the 30 rock episode where lithgow gets lost around 30 rock and no one will help him

totally forgot that was him!! thanks!

the good place is fantastic! highly recommend!

as a special ed/life skills teacher i will say I loved the Other Sister! Its a little over the top but still super sweet:) That being said anytime the word "retard" is used in a negative way makes me crazy!!!!! So the scene in tropic thunder although totally played up purposely for laughs makes me so uncomfortable!

i kinda hope they finish this season strong and let it be it!

there was one of life's enduring mysteries! There was one episode i think season 3 they showed him in a bathroom shaving after he was undercover. I always imagined his day off he just sat around all day and slept and ordered takeout to make up for his inability to eat/bathroom during stressful days lol

i just couldnt stop thinking how he screwed sloane and all those people out of their ticket money…..he couldnt have said oh family emergency 5 minutes before the curtain?

i wondered about that too:)