
"you can always tell a milford man!" :-D Buster so excelled at being neither seen, nor heard, that he remained at the school, undetected for a full two semesters after he was to graduate

i thought the same thing about dickon! i thought man sam is really gonna get everything he ever wanted;) the girl, the education, the house! :)

I always loved him but every week i love him just a little more! Sassy suits him:)

Jamie and Tyrion always got along growing up and were close. Cersei hated tyrion but Jaime always always supported him and even helped him escape the dungeons

i guess i kind of took it that after his men attacked and murdered him he might not be as confident and wants to make sure that he is being followed. Like he's afraid of dissension and rightfully so…. not sure if that makes as much sense written out as it did in my head….

never would have thought i would care so much about Murphy;)

i was so glad to see him again! i was sad when he died

seriously he was my favorite character season 1-2 i didnt even care when he finally died. they ruined him all the way:( I wish he could have had a cool death like going out saving Monty or redeeming himself in some way…

the line is a dot to her!

Jasper used to be my favorite. Now i can't stand him! i hope he redeems himself in the next few episodes or else i'd be ok with saying goodbye to him. but give us back Monty!

"We met while protesting Nixon-Cynthia Nixon. We were very upset she was holding up contract negotiations for the second season of Sex and the City." this made me laugh so hard

you're also at the beach with no friends!! I also loved Kimmy's dilemma on if she were Mrs. Wayne aka batman's mom lol

although he will always be Wayne Jarvis who was the worst audience participant cirque de solei ever had but what a professional!

call dean cain to clean up this mess and get dean koontz who is actually the dean

whenever i read the comments I realize there were about 20 jokes that I completely missed!

way to go Gene!!!

i love that Chuck's favorite places in the city are Madame Tussaud's and Ripley's believe it or not. After 50 visits it pays for itself! But the line about how he wasn't the only one to fake being his own wax statue and how he and Scott Baio became close friends was so funny!

i think its seacaucus

oh so thats why you said you had to go to your cat's sister's wedding……

super surprised that i do not hate her in this role! shes actually funny as well!