
"I'm Literally wearing a greendale backpack!!"

I thought the same for a sec too….i was like is this a flashback or an explanation???? lol

what a client!

As a catholic I just kept thinking how did he get Fr. Brah to officiate? Officially priests are not allowed to officiate marriages outside the church. but then I remembered its a tv show and I should really just relax ;) as for the seminary there would more likely be a time of discernment as the person mentioned

I also think Josh like Rebecca is just looking for a way to be happy and doesnt know how to get it. He prob thinks maybe if I'm with this person I'll be happy. Now he's confused about Rebecca and sees Fr. Brah who seems happy and thinks I want that! Thats the way to go! I honestly think part of him probably thinks it

oh come on! thats not even sexy!!

"wonder how they eat and drink and other science facts!"

good to know i'm not alone on either;)

i guess i'm in the minority bc I actually enjoyed it! sure it had some issues but I guess I had to suspend my disbelief but at the end of the hour and a half i found i was engrossed in it the whole time. I do wish there was another molly scene. and why was she so upset at her apartment before the phone call? but again

i may have committed some "light" treason….
first time! I've never heard a second time! Ive got the worst F**** attorneys!

i love it so much more bc its a direct homage to singin in the rain one of my all time faves!

I assumed so! First thing I thought of:) and I love the show so much more for doing a cousin Eddie impression! "you serious clark??"

i keep thinking of him as a Ben Wyatt. seems really uptight but then becomes more comfortable and becomes beloved by everyone and a worthy "love interest" (i may be a little biased b/c I love Ben Wyatt so much i may be projecting a little but hopefully!)

i was surprised there was no mention of that in the review!!!

i really enjoyed it! The musicals continue to get better. I still think limited commercial interruption and an audience would be the way to go! also the biggest error to me was when they cut away form kristen chenoweth's bow.

Catching up on this show and I like it but I'm enough of a nerd to admit it bugs me that they are changing history when they go back. Also it drives me nuts that the newspaper article about Wyatt's wife has the headline is "soldier's wife is killed" really?? not local woman killed? or anything else to give her own

ha maybe its because i fall in the group having been 10 when the movie came out(ah i'm getting old!) but its the definitive halloween movie!:) everyone i know loves it but again we do all fall in the 20-30s age range lol its amazing:)

"all of my belongings will be transferred to the man or animal who killed me.' What are these weird symbols?~"The man who kills me will know." Ron Swanson would have been all for this….

maybe it was one of those cases they knew people who like this show would follow it to friday and when a spot clears up they will move it knowing people will follow again (fingers crossed!)

or the Toby!;) Michael's hatred for him very similar