
Ive been not liking Josh's character( which i think was the point so well done!) but it was nice moment with greg that i think i needed to see from him. Also i felt for him with the whole pregnancy thing. that was pretty insane! His response completely appropriate

My headcannon: trevor is just derek from stepbrothers under cover. bet he can even sing high

no! hes the show!!

gotta say the david pumpkin sketch when first began made me roll my eyes a little but it was one of those sketches that the end payoff sold it and made me like it so much more the more i thought of it after

the babysitters club references MADE my night! I so loved that series as a kid….

how does it look better on you????

and now I miss all those shows…..pushing daisies hurts the most though….;(

as someone who decided based on the titles and promos both shows werent for me but then getting a recommendation from a friend and finding i LOVED them after netflix binges…theres def some truth to that! i did the same with cougar town for the first half season then fell in love with it….bad case of judging a show

don;t mind if i DO!


i was just rewatching wet hot american summer and thought the same thing!

it bugged me too! and awesome MST reference!

i laughed so hard at this cameo. i missed his name in the credits if it was there so it caught me completely by surprise.

just binged that on netflix! I also thought of Lady dynamite which also deals with mental illness in a refreshing way.

aw man! I also really liked the goldbergs coverage with it and find it out they're stopping those when the creator adam goldberg regularly writes on that one….

and now i have the rhymenocerous vs hiphopopotamus in my head..which I am 100% ok with! "my lyrics are bottomless……."

…"Keeping it Carol!" "i like that you didn't go for the obvious pun!'…..keeping it simple…DAMN IT CAROL!"

the music video at the end was great! bunny and kitty being best friends!

According to the poster it was the bamford family bamd with susan…..:)

fitting as Kimmy Schmidt found out the internet talks like Chandler!