Three UConn shots... Where is this guy from lol
Three UConn shots... Where is this guy from lol
Draper Magary
Come root for the Mets. We have seats available lol
Whoah, I always thought that finding the bay leaf in Irish Stew was good luck... It's just laziness?
There is a God! And he is merciful
Could you imagine what would happen to Deadspin if the Vikings won a playoff game? Drew Mag-eddon. Let us pray for Russell Wilson.
The introduction of vegetation to the surrounding architecture serves to provide an illustration of the fragility of life and highlights the beauty of both man and god’s creation.
It’s a primary debate... Nothing said is ever insightful.
“I’m asking YOU who’s on first!”
Ahhh you’re right. Mariota v. State of Florida
News from Lake Wobegon
Accurate depiction of Grierson & Leitch hating on Rocky IV
Yeah I think it’s also kind of inspiring on the other side. It’s pretty motivating when you are at the back of a group of 15 or so Stormtroopers running up a hill
Like a child who was just told not to touch the stove, I am sitting at the computer with my hands poised to type “Black Hairy Tongue” into my search bar...
Tap water is good depending on where you live. Maybe it's just because I grew up in a different state, but I think Indiana tap water tastes terrible.
This sounds like a Foxtrot Alpha review of some military contract
We did our fair share in the firearm design field, now let us enjoy decorating them with stickers and decals.
Damn Big Data
Did you compare Murphy to an ancient wind demon? Lol