
Whoah this poison ivy discussion is so opposite my experience. I think I had poison ivy every summer as a kid and I wasn’t even a Boy Scout or big camper.

“1. Earth” - That’s a real homer pick, pal

You never put anything under the meat on any sandwich. Disrupts the flavor of the meat otherwise


That’s not a circus three.... That’s a Circus Three

Go with Pete Buttigieg

The ball was next to his head. Head crossed the line. Sorry son


Let’s make more generalizations about gender and society!

I miss the days when Sherman Lynch quarterbacked for the Seattle Seabirds - “Seattle Sports fan”

Only five schools cracked top 50 and that was barely. You have to do better than that before being an academics snob.

Lol and neither does the Big 10 except for Michigan

You and everyone who went to Woodstock

Ooh connect the dots!

Bears saved deadspin

An analogy: guy wearing a bulletproof vest gets shot in the chest and dies because the vest is defective and you want to let the guy who pulled the trigger off the hook. Both parties can be at fault

Ant drowned or died of starvation. Happy ending

Connecticut invented the Lobster Roll FYI

Where did you get white Christian from?

Trump rally?