
Ford Field? Ford Field

oh so you are responsible for this travesty? Thanks for destroying America.

There is no way that this could go horribly wrong somehow.

At least the whalers had a good logo.

Linfusion sounds like some dark plan that Kobe Bryant has to extend his career by slowly replacing his blood with Lin's.

Then she looked at me with those big brown eyes and said, "you ain't seen nothin' yet"

it's a burden

but they are paid $7 million in one year to play a game that is almost more than I will make in my entire life. No sympathy.

bro that's the world. Learn to think big picture

yeah thought the point of feminism was equality. The focus should be scaling back sentencing guidelines created in the name of the war on drugs.

he's speeding the whole time and turning the highway system into a game.

It's not a human. Believe me, I empathize to an extreme, I can't kill insects in my house because I picture what it would be like if I were suddenly squashed for no reason. Still, it isn't human.

I'm sorry but the story that keeps saying mom's mom instead of grandmother is annoying the shit out of me.

you don't turn a lawyer into a hero, they inherently are one.

I hope Saban reports that on his income tax

What about the Whalers?

This was impressive. More like a compendium than a field guide. Although Drew, I was expecting the Rudy-was-offside Truther. Glad you snuck the ND reference in with the Penn State Truther.