
I can see where sex robots might help those that are painfully shy get past that first time sex experience, or those introverts that have a hard time talking to people so that physical relationships don’t become just one more thing that they are missing out on.

Couldn’t one argue that the type of person who’s drawn to sexbots in the first place is already a “lost cause” when it comes to interaction with women?

This is why, despite being a pretty rabid feminist, I so rarely wander into the comments section on Jezebel.

harassing people complaining about censorship

It’s worth noting that the result is not “Innocent,” but “Not Guilty.” So even if you’re acquitted, people are free to think you actually did it, there just wasn’t enough evidence to put you away for doing it. And they’re especially likely to do so in a he-said-she-said trial.

Elektra Kyle dodges the firestorm with shadow warrior grace...and slashes back with DOMINATRIX passion.

There’s a new Punisher series coming this year from writer Becky Cloonan

So Genesis isn’t the product of an unholy union? The power’s alien, not divine?

So when someone who has like a graduate degree or holds a officious job title

Interesting that that image collection treats the notion of children and teens experimenting sexually with children and teens of their own age being okay as some radical pedo-enabling praise as opposed to a fairly common idea.

I hate to respond to the same person/notion twice, but holy shit:

There is absolutely zero ethical issue with publishing someone’s refusal to comment on a story and, unless they say “this is off the record,” quoting that refusal directly. That’s basic journalism.

and then people found out that she wrote a pro pedophelia paper in college.

Specifically, Rapp supported the repeal of laws against child pornography. As in, footage of real children being abused, not underage drawings or video games.

Several people I know have defended the whitewashing because “Motoko looks white anyway” and “well, they’re all cyborgs, she could be a Japanese woman in a white chassis.”

Once, in college journalism class, I was doing a story on local tattoo artists. One named Awesome Donald asked me if I wanted any tattoos. I told him I’d considered getting a Triforce on the back of my hand because I loved the Legend of Zelda so much as a kid.

...exercise addiction?


but don’t worry, your deposit has been donated to StoneWall, an LGBT charity. Regards Michael

But they’re still whining because not all their demands are being met and because the university officials they met with during the meeting acted professional and with decorum and not like emotional basket cases and for some reason the protesters think that makes the university monsters?