
Counting stats that aren’t adjusted by possession or anything else are meaningless to me. You didn’t do a “deep dive” into the stats; you did the most superficial possible analysis.

This is pretty much Jalen Rose’s argument, which he made to Pierce’s face.

First PER doesn’t favor volume shooters, it exposes them. Guys like Pierce, Kobe and Melo were inefficient. It is the most important measure of a player. Guys like Jordan, LeBron, Curry, KD, Shaq etc all had high PERs. It exposes the volume shooters.

Advanced/adjusted stats for the time frame the other commenter mentioned (Wade on left)

lori hoped she had a fuller house

Old jokes never die.

And yet they’re still light years better than Jay and Dan.

Just going to go out on a limb here and say that Ja rules.

Don’t you hate it when you do a racism and then people are mean to you and you have to file a lawsuit due to the emotional stress brought on by the fallout of the racism you did? Sucks, man.

I don’t know, but that picture sure makes it look like James Dolan is staring at my dick and it makes me uncomfortable.

No jokes here, they should have thrown that fucking little shit and his dad out of the stadium and barred them from re-entry. What an entitled little mutant. Fuck that kid.

I thought the exact same thing when I saw that photo at the top. His agent called and told him, “I am about to send you a statement - post it, and I will cut the guy a check.”

I get the urge to make Browns jokes, but this team appears poised to actually become a contender, or at least less of a doormat. They won seven games, and probably should have had a couple more victories, but for NFL or self-fuckery. So signing Hunt while on the cusp of stepping fully into the media spotlight is extra

Knicks: *Shoot own dick*
Knicks: *Cut off remaining dick*
Knicks: Fixed it! *Pats self on back*

The medical community defines addiction as a disease. That's pretty fucked up to judge somebody over a disease. This is still a human being and they need help. Even drug addicts need to eat.

It really is just an exhibition game of Sarcastaball.

He died doing what he loved.  Torturing animals.

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”