Yeah but he said he would stand now if he got a job. Packers fans would have a huge boner watching him stand and talking about how even he has to respect such a storied franchise like the Packers.
Yeah but he said he would stand now if he got a job. Packers fans would have a huge boner watching him stand and talking about how even he has to respect such a storied franchise like the Packers.
Of course, Kyrie thought he was speaking to a reporter from the Boston Rectangle.
“Can’t have sex with a boat.”
Is that the genuine Marty Schottenheimer Special?
I hate you for stating the obvious...
+1 for being so fucking right!
I am a Raiders fan, and between last night’s Chiefs win and Derek Carr’s injury the knowledge (nay, the CERTAINTY) that this is how the Chiefs season will play out is what made it possible for me to sleep last night.
Chiefs fan, can relate.
Kansas is going to go 14-2, loose in the divisional round by 2 points after butchering the clock, and all will be right in the world.
Tim Tebow: [holds football]
The demons must have taken a special interest with so many kickers to torment. I guess this is their Blair Walsh Project.
Aaron Hernandez seems to have had CTE, but that definitely isn’t what made him a murderer.
Sued by DOJ for refusing to rent to black people, ultimately settling the case (despite “never settling”), then sued and settles again for failing to live up to original settlement.
This is perfect! I will forever think of Shockey this way from now on. Thank you for this!
Ah, this is the part where you cherry pick bad choices made by bad politicians in the West. Bravo, I guess?
Wait, so your argument is “everyone does bad shit, so it’s okay.”?
These arguments would fall on less deaf ears if MOST of the Western countries in the world didn’t have laws on the books that disallow hateful rhetoric and activities, while still maintaining freedom and free speech.
Oh i totally agree. Xenophobia is alive and well. It’s full-steam ahead in a lot of places. I’m not making an excuse for places who still see racism. I live in Brazil and i see it daily, veiled and as petty and ridiculous as ever.
Racism is the root of the problem. Nazism is just it’s ugly -marketing developed- face.
I think there’s a lot of people who would take re-animated Andrew Jackson as president over Trump, and he was a definite racist who owned a parrot that spoke so foul that it got kicked out of his funeral.
Why don’t you shut up and go back to worshiping your emotionally mature, bilingual (maybe tri- or quad-?), contemplative, analytical, intelligent Prime Minister Justin Steamy and Dreamy Trudeau and let us wallow in our Jurassic tar pit of stupidity until all hope is lost and we give up the struggle and sink down in…