
While i am for Single payer health care, Americans have an inherent distrust of a strong central government. It’s taught to us at an early age through stories of the American revolution and our constitution. For better or worse, some folks just fear a population that relies on the federal government.

If you never experience anything else, you are going to believe what people tell you. I think the only reason anyone turns now is like... you can talk to people in countries with socialized medicine really easily now.

Yes, it is selfish among everything.

A “liberal” or democrat in America is a conservative in most other countries.

How the fuck does that make sense?

“if you’re paying like a grand a month in insurance premiums I can assure you your taxes wouldn’t be that high.”

I think you’re wrong. I think most people are for a single payer system. And we have one in our country that’s very successful, but it’s only available to those over 65.

Lobbying. Legalized bribery. The politicians go with the peoples interests if it aligns with corporate interests. When the peoples interests align differently than corporate, they try to sell us on why the corporate is better, and when that fails they just say what people want to hear and then go with the corporate

I’m an Australian that moved to & has lived in the USA Midwest for 8 years, my take on it as someone that has come from a country that also has health care in the style of Canadas.

First off Americans have a strong sense of don’t tell me what to fucking do (except the small portion of people who have gone full on authoritarian) so we have to slowly get the people used to it, find out they like it, then they will fight tooth and nail not to get it taken away. ACA was such a win because it made

It’s because people listen to people whose career it is to obfuscate or flat-out lie to them. US citizens do not understand that insurance was an unregulated SINGLE-PAYER system. When you pay your insurance premiums, you are paying for everyone else who has insurance through that company. The difference is if it

Americans are idiots. We’ve been raised to think the word “tax” is sinful, a cuss, an insult.

Most American *voters* are mostly satisfied with their health care/insurance, and see only downside to totally refactoring the whole thing. Its not a crazy point of view for middle and upper middle class people. Many of us get easy access, great care and have low deductibles for otherwise very expensive care.

A lot of people here aren’t for public education anymore either. Charter schools are literally for profit companies running schools because people think that will somehow work better.

Democrats are a right-wing party.

Dude are you kidding? 50% of my wages go to taxes here along with 13% of each purchase I make. I’d much rather pay $1,000 bucks a month for top tier health care.

Because a great, great man once said, “Nobody knew health care could be so complicated.” So the reason is: we are all just too stupid.

Americans have very little faith in the government’s to do anything properly without a huge amount of waste and dysfunction. Corporate interests control American politics and they would find a way to make a bunch of people really rich while screwing over the average American.

A bunch of us are very much for Universal health care. Propaganda and lies keep the rest of em in check. On this and a great many other things.