iris osiris

The whole Weinstein-snowball has led me to a tentative theory on Adam Sandler’s career: maybe he’s the only nice guy/producer in Hollywood? Maybe the reason people keep working on his horrible projects is that he’s pleasant to be around, makes encouraging noises when you tell him about your horrible ex, and doesn’t

What part of fact that it was circling the drain are you having trouble understanding? Unless you can link to comments of  yours showing equal chagrin over the cancelation of other shows, you’re the one who needs to fuck off with your hypocrisy.

They have my sincere wishes that they find work on a show involving no sexual predators at all. Maybe a show led by women, starring women, produced by women; even better, a women of color. I really do hope that for them and for everyone in entertainment.

As multiple people have already explained to you, this show finished filming over a month ago and was a flop as soon as it premiered even earlier than that. Everyone associated with it has already long since moved on. People who are getting hired on a CBS primetime drama aren’t going to have trouble finding other

No, the takeaway is, take your concern trolling and move on. Do you come here and bemoan the canceling of shows for lousy ratings? It happens dozens of times a year.

I kind of enjoy the moments where Trump drops whatever pretenses he’s under to be an actual adult and just flat out is as racist as he actually is.

It’s not good to judge couples from afar, but Darren, you really f*cking blew it. She was so far out of your league, it wasn’t even funny. You don’t make an esoteric art film with Jennifer Lawrence. You make Oscar-bait films the way Scorsese did with DiCaprio, one after the other. Jennifer Lawrence as Amelia Earhart!

He seems like the type who would totally write a screen play that serves as a metaphor to motherhood and then try to mansplain it to women for not fully understanding the process of motherhood.

Then again, he was pretty much responsible for assembling those dozen or so movies.

Not a joke. I’m just dumb as fuck.

If anyone can sympathize with trainwreck movies with awful reviews, it’s Adam Sandler.

So to repeat why is she being interviewed by Sandler?

That might backfire.

The whole show is reaping what it sowed.

“How would you like to publicly discuss your bad promo tour on a trainwreck of a movie that led to a painful break-up?”

It’s so weird that there was a time not that long ago where anything about that show (i.e., Entourage) was considered worthy of praise. It should hardly be a surprise that any Hollywood production would have some history of sexual harassment, but that show was basically about how men of modest talent are constantly

That wig tho.

I think the Hotepery was airing that shit in public and still expecting to have job after. She forget she was black and consequences for black folk don’t obey the laws of Space and Time. Consequences reached back into the past and fired her ass when the thought of posting this shit to twitter crossed her mind.

I’d go one step further and say these could be the normal opinions of certain white people after living around certain other white people too long.

Not sure if this hoptepery. These are the regular opinions of normal Black folks that live too long in Indiana.