iris osiris

Kevin James in: Southern Fatty Fall Down. Perhaps in the opening scene he could be holding a tray with a literal house of cards, but find dozens of potential traps on the floor (roller skates, marbles, etc). He can then make it all the way to the other side of the room, set the tray down. Then sneeze (knocking over

I say that if they filmed even one of Spacey’s smug, condescending, fourth-wall breaking monologues for this season, they should use it. Hire a double, employ some post-production trickery, and assassinate him on camera in the middle of it:

...but that doesn’t mean that I wouldn’t like some of them if we happened to meet and avoided politics. That’s the strangest thing about all of this, really.

I think you are onto something. Straight, white people want to, nay NEED to, find some way to rationalize how it is that family members, friends, and colleagues who are perfectly nice to them ended up voting for an abhorrent character like Trump. Newsflash: people who are nice to you aren’t necessarily nice to others

Yet they refuse to try and understand why hate-filled Arab extremists commit atrocities or why Mexicans turn to the cartels for protection or why poor black kids join gangs. I wonder what makes Neo-Nazis worthy of study for white people?

I really hate that they stress “midwestern. Like yo, tons of black people live in the midwest. Actually, let’s say ton of non-white people that this nazi would would like to “cleanse” live there. Why do they act like there are only white people in these parts? Maybe the fault isn’t on us non white folk to “listen to

White people:

Everyone involved with this article needs to be punched.

The profile essentially tries to pass him off as an ironic hipster Nazi. Just repulsive on every level, from the homophobic racist being normalized to whatever editor thought this was worth publishing. These people want to kill me, Times. Wtf?

I read this and I suddenly feel elated that newspaper are a dying medium.

Serious question: was there really not ANYONE at NYT Editorial that looked at this and thought, “you know, maybe this isn’t really going to serve the ‘let the idiot make an ass of himself’ purpose we’re hoping it does...”?

An asshole who calls a female officer sugar tits when he’s drunk then pleads no congest to battery charges against the mother of his child a few years later should be called out. But you go ahead and minimize his bigotry and misogyny as a drunken mistake and just a fight. It’s not like those are symptoms of the larger


if those monsters stepping on his pb & j sandwich isn’t enough justification for you, then i don’t know what would be

It’s rare that one man can manage to hold a 17 year old PETA volunteer’s views on animal rights AND an 85 year old racist grandfather’s views of multiculturalism at the same time. He has also reached that far more common right wing sweet spot of dismissing actual sexual assaults in the news while pretending that

This is the show I’d like to see interact with the movies most, since Castle seems like he’d have a lot of interesting experiences/opinions on the Avengers. Was he in Afghanistan when Tony Stark was? What would a conversation between him and Steve Rogers look like? Two entirely different generations of soldiers

If you can’t get behind The Punisher killing some guys who were about to bury someone alive in cement, maybe this isn’t the franchise you should be reviewing.

Being Indian myself, I feel like South Asians are the most misrepresented community in Hollywood. I mean there is progress, but it’s so minimal. That’s why I related so much to Master of None. Aziz Ansari makes a big effort to bring about the real representation. And frankly it’s not even that hard. Watch any South

What is that Photoshop hellscape above have to do with the documentary?

I wonder where the reckoning for agents and other enablers will start. Has any agent, ever, uttered words like “cut this shit out, Louis. 10% of your paycheck ain’t worth dealing with your bullshit.”