I used to have a job as an adjunct professor at a for-profit college. Without getting too much into detail, let's say this school was for a specific trade, but an artistic one.
I used to have a job as an adjunct professor at a for-profit college. Without getting too much into detail, let's say this school was for a specific trade, but an artistic one.
I liked Quiet a lot, but at points it can get a tad repetitive and dry, so in that way it is an ideal cure for insomnia. If you actually are an introvert, though, it can really feel like a lifetime's worth of validation.
According to my kindle, I'm 41% through with The Shining. I'm really enjoying it so far. It does feel like it's grinding to a halt in places, but I trust King enough to expect all of these duller details to come back in a major way later on. But whenever I see a mention of Wendy's golden hair, I'm like, whatevs, I'm…
Then they should aim for the moon. It's exactly 237,000 miles away from the earth, according to that guy who says Kubrick faked the moon landing.
The closest I've come to this was taping up a Backstreet Boys poster in my mom's bedroom. It took her five hours to even notice it, and when she did, she screamed bloody murder. Good times.
Me too! This book has been sitting on my Amazon wish list for a while and now I'll definitely have to pick it up (especially if the spike in attention gets Amazon to lower the price a little).
Part of me is thankful they're even casting someone black to play Omalu at all.
All those times that Uncle Phil tossed Jazz out of the house, it never occurred to me that it might have been bad for Jazz's brain.
House Moltisanti
I loved him like a brother-in-law.
I don't see anything alarming in your way with words. However, if you did write a book about your life, and every character had the same voice (or worldview or sense of humor), it might ring a little bit false.
My issue wasn't that I couldn't understand how a character was saying his or her dialogue. It was more along the lines of nearly every character in the book being too witty for words and having the same sense of humor. Even Hazel's mom was cracking wise at one point. I found it tiresome after a while. This book is…
I'm really happy to hear that the dialogue sounds more authentic when it's being said out loud by actual people. My main issue with the book was that everyone had the same wittier-than-thou voice.
The girl with Bruno was on the same drug and had no desire to be on the roof, let alone attempt flying. Maybe that was their way of showing that the LSD wasn't truly to blame?
In your professional opinion, should any of the rest of us bother trying to get published at this point?
Is this the first time we meet Barb and Hoyt? I can forgive this show for any of its missteps—most of which occur in this season—but man. I am not looking forward to reliving the Hoyt reveal in the finale.
And New Year's Eve is always just a couple of days before Valentine's Day.
Reading this in Louise Belcher's voice made my day.
Heaven is for Real.