iris osiris

I finished Sharp Objects earlier this week, and yeah. Pacing was pretty glacial, but the ending was rushed in the last few pages. I didn't mind the ending of Gone Girl when I read it, but now that I've read her other works, I can see exactly what you mean.

ACO is phenomenal, but it took me more than ten years of being into Japanese pop music to finally come across her.

Please don't take any omissions personally. The list is far from comprehensive. I started taking them down a few episodes in and then stopped sometime before the end. Think of this as a Greatest Hits collection, but released by a record company that never legally obtained the full rights to the catalog.

Is now a good time to confess that I stopped recording these a few weeks ago?

As promised, the list of all the Ward meme names that you all posted (and I haphazardly collected) throughout the season:

I too was stumped by the murder mystery angle. But I've only read the book, so I guess it was thrown into the movie.

I knew exactly who he was talking about and STILL pictured Sue Ellen from Arthur.

When my mom first moved to the US in the 70s, she got a job at a Peeps factory in NYC. They were advised to package any and all Peeps that fell on the factory floor. I think if she ever found out that my sister or I had eaten a Peep, it would devastate her more than us joining a cult or committing a murder or

I really recommend it. I haven't finished it yet, but the author does offer insight on why such anxiety occurs, and some of the benefits of that high sensitivity. Reading this book and realizing there isn't anything specifically wrong with my temperament has been enlightening, so hopefully you'll have a similar

Can I ask you which Sony blu-ray player you're using? I'm currently searching for one (and going with Sony because of a specific discount, not because I necessarily think Sony is better).

I highly recommend it! There's a chapter or two where she goes to a retreat for introverts, and everyone in attendance mostly kept to themselves. The author said it got tense after a while (what with no extroverts keeping the party going, as it were), but a retreat where everyone's polite but reserved sounds damn near

I'm still in the more scientific/neurochemistry portion of the book, and am I totally dreading the self-help chapters at the end. I don't want to have to pretend I'm an extrovert anymore!

I'm FINALLY reading Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can't Stop Talking by Susan Cain. It's really enlightening stuff, since I've spent the last thirty years feeling a need to apologize for wanting to be left the hell alone more often than not. There's even a section where it's mentioned that many people

My first one was "Garfield Sits Around the House." On the back, he had a thought bubble saying, "These fat jokes are wearing thin." 7-year old me guffawed heartily.

They were also drinking Lone Star at the bar!

I'm a big fan of Vinny's appearance on Kelly's talk show, where he discussed why he won't wear a helmet while riding his motorcycle. My sister will text me, "I can't think, I can't think" on a regular basis.

I laughed out loud during the trailer because of that silly narration. Narrator was all, "…A story about freedom!" followed by a clip of some part in the movie that didn't convey freedom at all. I'm probably remembering the details wrong, but the whole thing bordered on parody.

I have a super random question for everyone: how soon after your senior prom was your high school graduation?

It will honestly depend on how much more despondent everyone is about this show by then.

I've been compiling a list of them for several episodes now. I was waiting for the season finale to post them all.