Irinel Petrescu

I wish we were flying Pan Am to the stars. (Or low-Earth-orbit, at the very least.)

A moment of silence for the only TV show (in my memory) to tackle the pressing issue of weight-reduction for fuel savings, albeit about a million years ago. Though I can't remember which attendant was being dressed-down, as it were.

As a man i have found the best method is to ask questions to ask themselves to solve the problem rather then just give a solution .

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love old 60's French pop... another good one:

There are two great films directed by women coming out in the next couple months: In A World and Afternoon Delight. Lake Bell directed the former, Jill Soloway the latter. They won the top writing and directing awards, respectively, at Sundance this year and they deserve it. I just caught them at the LA Film Fest

"but that I could use a man's name if I wanted and if I thought that would help me sell my work. (It probably would, but wouldn't change stereotypes.)"

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Well-known vocalist Peter Hollens has put together this very nice a cappella version of "The Rains of Castamere" from Game of Thrones.

So, in essence, my issue with this comic is it takes a problem that occurs in patriarchal societies — the various pressures and expectations placed upon women — and then completely fucking strips them of meaningful context to try to reframe the discussion in a way that makes it seem as if these are equally meaningful

The only difference in that cartoon is the girl in the bikini has a choice to wear whatever she wants. So, it falsely promotes oppression.

It is a shame that I don't have a better picture of the other side, as NPH is flanked by Cartoon David Bowie as featured on the Venture Brothers

Might as well share a small piece of my painted-by-hand, acrylic & puffy paint masterpiece of a black lab coat. Circa 2009. Puffy paint is alive and well people!

That is a good idea, but remember not to fall into the common trap of over-personalization. Article and comment thread suggestions are OK but don't exclude items from or shelter my online experience based on my previous browsing, commenting, or commenter following history.

Well, maybe its a class that moves at the pace of its students, or is an ongoing simulation that takes life-time sized segments and lets students experience the lives of those who would have lived during that time until they understand the subject matter. Perhaps not all interactive characters are representing real