
Amen, fucking Ben Affleck stealing credit for shit Canada did.

and George Will.

Who need another SAW sequel when you can read about the conflict in South Sudan.

Oh i bet the people chopping and bagging it get tooned right up.

Me to, i put a boneless chop in brine for four hours, didn't even need seasoning.

Our most was probably sometime is the late 1800's when whisky was white as water and opium dens were the coffee shops of the day.


You read about it and its sometimes hard to believe our ancestors were humans rather than hard eyed monsters.

Now that im thinking about it that was a really bad fighting etiquette, what kind of warrior monk doesn't do his opponent the honor of a coup de grâce.

Smoking on school property? or can a student be expelled just because the principal has knowledge that the student has smoked marijuana at some point somewhere?

I thought Star Trek was the only media product prior to 1980 that wasnt racist?

Wait, they expel kids for selling drugs off school property?

¯\_(ツ)_/¯Those were the days ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

TV news as a medium is fine, its just the way its practiced by American news networks. Speaking as a Canadian, i find your "news" involves a lot more arguments and wild speculation, kind of like your politics.

I can do a hell of a rendition of "Casey Jones"

I thought it was boring because we murder anything thats too conspicuous. Also crazy to think if there was a bit more oxygen in the air, we could have those pre-dino era spiders the size of infants and dragon flies with 4-5 ft wing span.

In my province (Ontario) the media recently reported that people who killed other people via reckless driving were getting off the with $500 fines and probation.

The reactionary outlook of some parts of nerd culture in general really confuses me, what is geekdom other than the original safe space?

Wasnt this movie already made a decade ago?

Maybe he thinks his daughter is more likely to look at his twitter feed than to put on "John Muir."