
The Flat Earthers makes sense if you question everything yet never bother to ask questions.

I dont know why those things were called drunk glasses, looking out of those things was nothing like being drunk, it was like being high on salvia.

Also seemed to be a pretty competent ruler in the short term with some decent policies (not the ones related to murdering people).

Nah, we aint dealing with your bullshit, and i doubt youd have any patience for ours.

I guess even the most depraved hentai is less ethically questionable than pretty much any porn.

In all fairness back in the 1400's most human beings were pretty villainous.

I would go with a tranquilizer gun, if you light up a gorilla with an uzi it wont be worth much on the resale market.

This was something i read about in Vice two years ago.

The only surprising part of this story is that he chose the Hitler of the 19th century rather than the actual Hitler for the portrait.

I think theres a difference between the universal experience of wondering whats beyond the universal limits and believing that bread turns into godflesh somewhere between your mouth and your stomach..

The answer my Anglican family trots out is that He gave us freewill.

And also that they being the "useful idiots" that the birch society accused the left of being.

I dont think it only refers to wealth but also a sense of respectability and conformity.

OK so i actually do chew gum in my sleep, is it a choking hazard?

And shes making over 20 million a year in large part due to that sex tape.

"quit crying to the internet n****, you got mo' money to burn, go buy another. Blac Chyna did what she was supposed to do: she seen a sucker and she licked it."

Now theres a guy who should have run for president.

Their either suggesting your high or they mean jovial and genial.

I dont remember it that well, but Torchwood was pretty good for queer representation without it being the defining aspect of characters.

Tangerine was dope.