
I too, would have met the prospect of being ejected naked into space with resigned indifference.

Chuck Schumer can eat one, motherfucker is trying to end our supply management system for milk products.

Theres plenty of racist Arabs, the Saudis didnt abolish slavery until the the 1980's.

If i recall correctly the facility had a staff to inmate ratio well above average to cope with the increased risk.

MDMA (ecstasy) doesnt give you that loss of control or lack of awareness, if anything your more aware in addition to feeling intense euphoria and a sense universal of connection.

I had a friend who was a pretty successful weed dealer, one day he came back from picking up with an ounce of MDMA, he did it every day for a week and got super anxious and depressed, to the point he ended up flushing a third of the ball.

Damn it Germany! just when i was starting to think you were cool.

I read an article about a program in Wisconsin where they have a facility specifically for young sociopaths who have done things like knocking out teachers and molesting the neighbors. The people running it have figured out that, contrary to "common sense" they are biologically incapable of fearing punishment so they

It boils down to Scott admiring Trumps persuasive skills and thinking the lefts just experience cognitive dissonance and by the end of the year we will think hes competent.

Did anyone hear Scott Adams trying to defend Trump on Sam Harris' podcast?

*Things Sean Hannity reads on Neo-Nazi forums.

If it makes you feel any better Netanyahu is on his way out, potentially to jail.


This is kind of like that annoying phenomenon where an ad uses or remixes an old song, and the algorithm responsible for 99% of radio stations playlists decides that must mean everyone wants to hear that song 40 times an hour for the next five years.

Still not as good as the severed penis that came with the collectors addition of the first film.

Ill teach those tourists not to have a low happiness level in my theme park…

If it makes anyone feel better, that image you have in your head of this guy cracking his lady with a bat at home and leaving her lying in a pool of blood in the living room is wrong.

Can we get any love for Sean Evans, that guys a minor star in the making.

Who just happens to bear a canny resemblance to Frankenstein's monster.

Plus they retconned all the expanded universe stuff set after Return of the Jedi that i got attached to. Episode VII wasn't bad, but it felt like a hard reset other than a continuation of a story i grew up with.