
Does America not have municipal work crews?

I think that part of the right wings Islamophobia is that people who think central government is bad need a way to explain why countries that dont have a strong central government are almost always riddled with violence and corruption.

Mohammed: (pulls off villains mask) "It was western decadence the entire time!"
Western Decadence: "And i would have gotten away with it too, if it werent for those meddling Mohammeds and their dumb mutt"
Sharia-Doo: "Rrrrralah Rrrrrrackbar!"

Iv read that most of them are on welfare but have violent riots and physically attack secular Israelies

"Lets just put the border here shall we, its not like like one backwater dustbin and its dusty people is different from any other, i'm sure it will all work out just fine"

The way i see it, Trump is more a symbol of greed, ignorance and entitlement than a man. Holding his bloodied head aloft represents victory over these corrosive impulses, whereas to do the same with Obama or Hillary would evoke a lynching or a witch hunt.

America: Big oil company builds pipe line, endangers water supply of marginalized group.
Germany: Metal festival builds pipe lines to reduce impact on local environment.

Actually shed probably sit there doing her demanding wolf routine.

Did Hanna Barbera ever do something on a quality level?

I have a husky retriever mix that i make lie down before i give her food and everytime as she lies down shes making sassy grumbling sounds.

Visions of Martin Luther staring at me
Malcolm X put a hex on my future someone catch me
I'm falling victim to a revolutionary song
The Serengeti's cloned
Back to put you backstabbers back on your spinal bone.

Running into a life sized cardboard cutout of Darth Maul in pizza hut when i was 3 or 4, i was very prone to nightmares when i was little (to the point where if it was dark in a room id get disturbing, acid like visuals of insects) so yeah that haunted my dreams for a while.

Well enjoy while it lasts, ya'll are going to be climate refugees in a decade at the rate we are going.

A socially conscious suicide pact?! count me in!


God dam the "Tyrannical Government Overreach Proclamation."

Either way he was the best friend i ever had, poor Froggy, i had to keep his skin wet with water otherwise it would crack and pustule.

I think a woman would make a better foil, since fascism aims to restore or reinforce patriarchy.

The only thing i really like him for is his stance on torture, but that only reinforces the idea that A republicans only give a shit about something if it has effected them personally and B that most republicans dont have a problem with the use of torture.

"go on the air exploiting a family's worst possible grief, the memory of the victim himself, and the reputations of some random political professionals you're just casually naming as goddamn murderers"
-Otherwise known as the InfoWars editorial policy.