
Just the whole idea of Batman is pretty fascistic, a billionaire waging a personal vendetta /paramilitary war against a colorful and flamboyant "criminal" class. If Bruce Waynes story took place in South-America, hed be the financier of and participant in right-wing death squads.

I feel ya, our beach is limestone shelves populated with those asshole zebra mussels, meanwhile the largest freshwater sand beach in the world is just a 20 minute drive up the road.

Wasnt the invisible man a black guy?

That reminds me of when my dad showed me the old BBC (television) Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy and he tried to convince me that the bargain basement effects were "charming."

The second movie is worth seeing.

Ok now ya'll have got me thinking about tasty meat sucking monsters and that 2008 Italian crime film Gomorrah.

Man were those brits pissed.

Personally i would be fine if my holidays consisted of reading natsec and foreign policy, is there actually a job where you get paid for that?

That someone, Lil Wayne.

Owl that stings!

Grade 3 we had daily Macerena time where we were required to stand and awkwardly do the dance at our desks for the duration of the song.

I was thinking someone could make bank doing a steam punk circus with mechanical contraptions in place of animals.

You mean one composed entirely of bears?

Isnt that really dangerous, what with their inferior, peanut allergic genes?

Better to be remembered for that than his tenure as governor.

I saw a Henry Rollins interview where he said he thinks racism is going to subside even more than ever because of how many white kids from small towns identify with hip hop and blackness in a way that would have been unthinkable for gen X, let alone the boomers or earlier.

That is…disturbing.

Or better yet Hidden Fences.

That bit with the baby in the storm drain tip toed mighty close though.

Sky is the limit
I feel like dying
Money on my mind
Swag surf (way better than the title would suggest)
Georgia (Bush)