
I would highly recommend the Tiny Desk Concert he did for NPR, no auto tune.

♪♫♬Weeeeee are the champions, my friends
And weeeeeeeellll keep on fighting, till the end♪♫♬

"I Feel Like Dying" is the track that got me into rap music.

If i recall correctly it was Waynes tour bus that was shot up by an (gang affiliated) associate of Young Thug.

Was it some heart of darkness stuff going on at the vacation home, or was it a financial impropriety?

Oh I'm sure he Kurd have.

I have a friend like that who i have a lot of respect for, who got into RT and cant be dissuaded.

1862, before the "Tyrannical Government Over Reach Proclamation".

His kids are out of the house too arent they? I bet Barry and the missus are having a grande ole time.
Also, hes probably getting some small comfort knowing how good hes looking from a historical perspective given the absolute disasters pre and proceding him. Wait. Is it just me or have republicans been electing

Republicans are against teaching standard English now? I knew they were against human rights, female pleasure, health, Beyonce etc but not English.

Lets remember that the president believes human bodies are flesh batteries with a finite charge that is depleted by exercise.

I did start hearing it a lot after Far Cry 3 came out.

I like to think of Canada as the farmers market version of America.

I felt like he was trying to channel Micheal Ironside's gruff but nuanced Sam Fisher from the Splinter Cell series.

Mean while theres been a precipitous decline in Support-The-Truckerism even though society as we know it would collapse without those crank addled angels of the asphalt.

Well if by unscathed you mean traumatized and laden with guilt, that seems possible.

<—(Drools profusely)

With Chris Chrispy in the Sergeant Shultz role?

Donald Trump; Great president, or The Greatest President?

Have i got a show for you: Its about a big rig driving, crab fisherman that travels around America bounty hunting and collecting rare firearms. And hes George Washington.