
They brought the deflated one back out for the end, i guess the guys running the show had enough sense to realize the image Pikachu disappearing into a windowless van not to be seen again would be nightmare fodder.

If you happen to view sex slavery in a positive light.

Hey old school neanderthal pigs built this country with naught but the sweat of their (slaves) brow and the blood of the Indian!

Battle Royal visually is very dated, but you can pick it up for $2 at walmart and it spends more time in the kill zone than hunger games does.

I thought Kanye West was bringing back the kilt dammit!

Yeesh, did he kill a cat or something?

Does Mrs. Alps work outside the home or are you the sole earner?

Their reviews of the first season are the reason i clicked on this site, i dont know why it isnt good enough to merit so much as a seasonal review.

She is legit the only politician in America i have faith and trust in (as someone not living there, maybe you have some great local politicians).

How far away is the technology needed to create a clone army of Elizabeth Warrens and or increase the life span of the only available Elizabeth Warren by a factor of 5?

People need to stop tweeting and start calling, congressmen are old, they dont give a shit about twitter. Also, make sure your wearing the flag or calling on a phone with flag decals, Republicans can smell the lack of a flag from 2000 miles.
EDIT: OK not only is this guy a vicious randian monster, hes also a pussy ass

Anyone else feel bad for dark haired viking brother, despite him being the antagonist i still thought what blond haired brother did to him was shitty, they had everything in the bag and blondie threw it all away.

Im Canadian and my view of Australia is mostly based off the movie "Rabbit Proof Fence" so i feel like we have a lot in common. Do you guys also have a "Highway of Tears" and a rapey federal police force?

Iv heard even ours is shit compared to other 1st world countries, there was a poster above saying they pay $25 (US) annually for coverage that includes dental and healthcare in Taiwan.

Is more SFW than game of thrones or pretty much anything youd find on HBO, theres some tits but they are few and far between, and quite a bit of violence but not something that would raise eye brows.

Funny how blasters perform worse than most firearms.

I liked it when it came out too, but i was 7 or 8 at the time, so theres that.

Fuck yes.

Volgons, the word your looking for is Volgons.

Yeah, the end of world always imminent and yet it never does, at some point you think people would leave one guy on apocalypse watch while everyone else goes about their lives.