
Cmon Xanderpuss you gotta use the King James version, that shits mad poetic.

Particularly when you read the linked article about them allowing insurers to discriminate against rape survivors, seriously who the fuck are these people? i have recurring characters in my nightmares that have more empathy than congressional Republicans.

He lost them when he said "we need to take care of each other."

"I believe all God's creatures have a soul… except bears, bears are Godless killing machines"

Honestly all gun owners iv met are responsible, country nerd types, although i'm Canadian so maybe thats a product of our relatively stringent laws.

Now now, some, I assume, are good people.

All things considered, he could be worse off, if it had happened in another state(s) that i will refrain from naming, hed be dead right now.

$20 back then was rent money.

Meanwhile it made it through all of Canada, and we have a highway called the Highway of Tears.

McDonalds for me is a bit like cocaine, its great while i can taste it, but it messes with my bowels and leaves me feeling irritable and dissatisfied.

Thats a shame, i try to keep and open mind and read right wing publications if i see an interesting headline show up on my news app (particularly National Post, Wall St Journal and the Economist) but if its Salon for the bitter and ignorant i wont bother.

So will there be mujaheddin in attendance? you know, cause ladies father was responsible for that fabulous policy of arming religious fundamentalists in Afghanistan.

There are actually food "fluffers" for that purpose.

The funny thing is McDonalds probably cares more about healthy eating than its customers, i was reading an article where it mentioned that whenever they try making its staples healthier and marketing them as such, sales drop for those items.

Is there anything worthwhile there? Iv read one of their contributors (Daniel Pipes) but thats it.

And most of those folks probably arent even gay. Personally, as a SWAM (Straight, White, Adult, Man) unless something is a well worn dog whistle or just absolutely blatant, i reserve my outrage until im given the signal otherwise. I think some people have really lost sight of how important intent should be, the social

In all fairness even Sean Hannity loathes the Westboro Baptist Church.

Im waiting for the day someone mentions it to him on Real Time, along with someone confronting Mike Huckabee about his using his authority to protect the dog killer.

Just remember those conservatives are getting hacked because of those stupid fwrd messages.

Legit i have met down syndrome sufferers that take just a bit longer to be much more coherent.