
Why is the dungeon filled with orange, does Donald shed down there or something?

Tonight, on Newman, Newman learns the most important lesson of all (crying is for bitches)

No one said stop.

I think we should all reach out to Sean on twitter and tell him what a great job hes doing, really let him know hes not blowing it, and that no one automatically associates his name with potential gallstones.

I came to the conclusion a long time ago that male insecurity is the biggest threat to women globally. Is there any other reason for FGM or Niqabs or "honour" killings.

I thought there was a lot of Germans there as well.

In his defense that's a cute little mulatto baby hes got, i can see why he gets a whole page..

"When I was in law school it would have been illegal for me to marry his mother because she is black. I couldn’t legally marry a Chinese, but for some reason I could marry a Japanese."-Barry Glazer, Attorney at Law

I thought they gave you people pills for that? or medicinal cannabis candy?

Or Kim Possible from Kim Possible.

"He does, however, require a Maserati, so pick up the pace on those key chains will you"

Because doing it the big dumb way allowed him to dump trillions into private contractors. Same with Afghanistan, although most of the money spent there ended up with drug lords/politicians rather than American companies.

Theres a hob goblin involved now? god dam rich people and their depraved hob goblin parties.

You sound like old hip-hop heads complaining about how all rappers are soft now lol (in regards to Bart, who i dont remember being bad and not feeling sorry about afterwards)

Besides destroy, obliterate, annihilate are so much better.

God knows how much public funds poured into private defense contractors and sketchy Afghan politicians.

Well i just mention it because my old man is a local reporter, and it pisses me off when people talk shit about the media in broad terms. I get that when people think of journalists, they may think about people like Brian Williams or the well heeled reporters working for pubs like The New York Times, but i think about

Are you sure you arent mixing up local newspapers with cable news?

We all know where they borrow that hard g from.

Its never something id correct in person but at the same "deci" is right there at the beginning, how could it mean anything else?!