
Theres also the threat of local papers dying out and there being no one left to cover the corruption and mismanagement of municipal governments.

Also the newspapers, they do the best work.

When i was in 5th grade i was reading my dads copy of Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas with the grotesque Ralph Steadman illustrations and yeah…almost got that taken away.

Although honestly now that theyv been told not to discuss the show, this is a topic that wont die down until the summer.

House of a thousand failures.

Who knew being leader of the free world would be harder than sitting on a golden shitter getting begrudging blow jobs from a former super model. Who. Knew.

And this is why i like being baptized; i can say, believe and do pretty much whatever i feel like and still get saved because i let some minister rub oil on my forehead, at least im pretty sure thats what scripture says.

Still, it was discovered.

Blaires Mega Death Sauce with Liquid Rage.

A decade and a half at least, pretty sure his career was pretty well over by 2007.

Some of them are swimming there as we speak, man those people are desperate.

Hes the only one Trump trusts to catch those Syrians the Chinese are sending across the Pacific.

Your news room is still on analogue technology, next your going to tell me the printing machines are a stones throw from your office.

Its something i grew up watching and yet i dont remember ever really laughing. Its more than watchable, but never had me choking on my laughter the way, for example, Teddy getting caught and flailing about in the Belcher kids santa trap.

Is that a knock on the well known criminality of Australians?

I thought it was that your not complicit in child abuse if you transfer the abuser to another church.

Oh i know Orwell wasnt in the International Brigades, i read his book about the experience. I definitely wasnt thinking it would be all that historically accurate, something along the lines of a dumb hollywood block-buster, which COD is the video game equivalent of.

I dont know how they fucked that one up, all they had to do was re-release Battlefront 2 with a fresh coat of paint and it would have been great.

Would it look anything like the one he had with Joaquin Phoenix in The Master?

Smoke good, eat good, live good
Smoke good, eat good, live good-Pooh Mans Dreams (His Vice)