
I was just thinking the situation in Rwanda was pretty much "Hey Tutsis, these Hutus just killed (and gang raped) your friends and relatives and tried to kill you, but it was all just a misunderstanding, you'll be reminded of the slaughter whenever you look at them, but I'm sure everything will work out anyway. Cheers

I made sure to get my "100% not guilty" decision laminated and put on a necklace, i feel that it puts people around me at ease.

Just because your paranoid, doesn't mean they aren't after you.

It was Old Man Withers the whole time!

You mean a Lambentable thing.

Wasnt saying they were never discriminated against, just that they aren't a particularly disadvantaged people, they had an empire, and when they had it taken away its conquers gave it democracy, massive food aid and permanent protection. Its not like its a video for a French song about being a Tutsi.

Trumps not a racist, hes owned white slaves too.

And he still doesn't read them.

I feel like its not so horrible because the Japanese aren't a historically disadvantaged people,. Lets be real, between what they did during ww2 and the fact that the west is the only thing keeping them an independent country, i think that they can have a sense of humour about themselves.

Im surprised iv gotten this deep in the thread and not one mention of Steve Doocy.

Its a theory thats been debunked anyway (that climate change caused the civil war).

Well he took a woman furniture shopping in an attempt to seduce her, that does sound like a bitch move.

As a white man, i was satisfied with his apology, even though i thought he was a bitch for needing Jerry Seinfeld to hold his hand while doing so.

Also that he was already given a chance to govern and he fucked it up.

You mean people were violating their conditions and actually blaming Obama? like a dude would fail his drug test or get into a scrap and just say that Obama made him do it?

My mom works in a wine shop and gets a few free bottles every month, her and my dad arent big drinkers, so theres always a couple dozen bottles stacked on the wine shelf. I tried stealing and drinking stuff once on a new years when i was fourteen. I got through almost two bottles before i blacked out and awoke to

Feminism really clicked in my brain when I was in history class and we were learning about a situation from around turn of the century where a young woman was put in an asylum for dating a Chinaman. I like to think it was learning about things like that that inoculated me against becoming an MRA despite being an aspy

wrong kinda high bro.

I thought i heard them say Gerhardt, i thought maybe they were talking about the only member of the family from last season that made it out alive.