
The baby boomers?

My theory is Trump was inspired to run in the first place by watching footage of the Nuremberg Rally.

An Aaron Hernandez highlight tape set to Rages cover of Pistol Grip Pump however, hit just the right balance befitting the gravity of the situation.

Hes a bit of a spice cadet.

Its a skeezy homeless person drug, the bums bring it in.

Will an instagram post suffice or do you want the foot temporally detached for reading at your leisure?

Its a nice bit of continuity that the man i watched on public television and in class rooms from the age of 3 on turned out to be aligned with me politically.


Trump isnt a racist, hes owned white slaves too.

Certain political establishments in America and abroad did support Trump, just like he used identity politics to greater degree than the dems did.

Ah, a classic clinger situation, i suspected as much. Gotta say they some bitches for getting her put on felony charges, im sure a restraining order would have sufficed.

I know Justin Bieber has one called Lil Twist.

Dryness-"I'm a kill you motherfucker!"

Well if one feels obliged to adhere to whats in Leviticus, it probably should be made of one material
"Ye shall keep my statutes.
Thou shalt not let thy cattle gender with a diverse kind:
thou shalt not sow thy field with mingled seed: neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woollen come upon thee."

Where Sean Spicer has pained insecurity, Bill has unbreakable smugness.

Yo Alt-Right, we hated jews first! we created you! RESPECT. THA GOD!

For those that are concerned about Milk symbolism, try strawberry milk, its pink so as a hetero man im just gonna pronounce it queer and female friendly.

Little known fact; Dilbert tried and failed to start an office Fight Club.

What was ZARA thinking, theres no market for ripped, pepe themed denim dresses, what they should have done is come out with a pepe themed whatever-the-fuck Kim Davis wears.

I smoke out of a vape than cost almost as much as my roach infested ps4.