
No, but it sure doesnt amuse their drug dealers.

They prefer to think of themselves as temporarily embarrassed dinosaurs, every time one chirps, or ca caws at you they are saying "WE WILL RISE AGAIN!"

The Best Boy, has and forever will be, Bad Boy.

Coming to a crater near you May 5, 2100.

Maybe it was a little awkward that NATO members were giving assistance to Saddam when he was the aggressor and using chemical weapons on Iranian civilians.

Top three mind numbing power-point presentations?

David Simons "Generation Kill" i think did a good job of not being overly preachy.

I blame the chemtrails, there must have been a time in the past when everyone wasnt constantly imagining everyone else banging at the slightest hint of innuendo.

Is breakfast at taco places in any way similar to macdonals breakfast wraps?

I though that was under an industrial laundromat .

The dog failed to respond? thats surprising, my dog's not even named Nazi and she responds to it.

Im partial to those, but i love when he just honours the city in tracks like "Compton" or "Westside Right on Time", which i wish Damn had sounded more like.

I know what your saying, except for GKMC, since the first song of his i heard (and what lit my musical obsession) was "The Art of Peer Pressure."

Oh my god i wish they would cut that overwrought "we are brothers" talk in shows, real men bond over gun fights and looking deeply into each others eyes as they Eiffel-Tower a prostitute.

They could have at least made it a Death Helix or something interesting.

Thundercat did a $5000 music video with Eric Andre and…its pretty much what you would expect a $5000 music video with Eric

And never should the pentagon have to undergo the indignity of an audit.

I know people that think common gem stones confer fucking magic, believing you are an animal spirit trapped in a human body is less of a stretch.

It just hasnt been the same without papa Freddy's amphetamine fueled violent outbursts.

I'v been told they are kind of like cats, attitude wise, is this true?