
There is a little known immigration law that grants automatic citizenship to anyone who wingsuits into the country, but you must be holding a lit cigarette and open beer when you land.

Elizabeth May herself will oversee construction to ensure its compliance with environmental regulations.

And its a travesty, i am furiously tweeting at Prime Minister Trudeau to get this issue resolved, preferably by the time weed is legal.

So everyone is going as a dreadless juggalo this year, thats cool, its about time ICP got their due.

They probably have blood coming out of their..(whispers vagina, giggles to self like a six year old)

Think of all the suburban girls who are going to be approached by juggalos.

I havent seen it but on the topic of Canadian National Treasure David Paul Cronenburg, isnt Naked Lunch the best homoerotic fever dream ever put on screen (AKA literally the best film ever).

nooooooo no no Kanye doesnt let people worth less than 5 million touch him.

All the more so because he is neither meek nor a mill.

They would throw up like that christian dude in Clerks 2 when Randal was talking about Sam and Frodo being gay for each other.

Playing as a male noble I have yet to be challenged to a duel. On the plus side my games gone long enough that all the other nobles have cycled through kingdoms and im presently the lord of Suno, Dhirim, Praven, Uxhal, Veluca and Halmar (at least) plus a few castles and villages.

d) Polish people.

I see what you did there.

The TMZ cast's unmitigated contempt for the genre was jokes.

Alex Trebeck better watch it or they might bust a Capcom in his ass.


and he was on a shit load of things that werent even drugs, his doctor had a really big thing for shoving needles in him.

Maybe hes referring to Canadian convicted felon and member of the british house of lords Conrad Blacks family.

I was reading about how Kennedy and Johnson stole the election from him in '60. If he had asked for a recount in Texas, he would have won but instead he decided to let it go because he felt contesting the result would be setting a bad example for newly independent countries and would undermine domestic faith in the

liquid ounces is more appropriate.